What Can be Learnt from United States Academia: the Case Study of the University of Wisconsin-Madison

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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Ukrainian academia in its current state needs fundamental modernization. With the ongoing political reforms, there is a realistic chance to introduce the best education and research standards. A case study conducted through the method of participant observation in a United States university illuminates academic principles and approaches, which are worth implementing in Ukraine. They cover the following domains: transparency, convenience for teachers and students, academic freedom and culture, legitimation of various forms of knowledge, teaching, study, and research patterns, and organization of department functioning. And these points can be introduced by internal decisions at university or departmental level.
Academia, higher education, United States of America, Ukraine
Khutkyy D. What Can be Learnt from United States Academia: the Case Study of the University of Wisconsin-Madison / Dmytro Khutkyy // Університетська освіта. - 2015. - № 3. – С. 46–49.