Василевська, ТетянаVasylevska, TetyanaВасилевская, Татьяна2017-04-202017-04-202017Василевська Т. Професійна етика в підтримці цінностей моралі / Тетяна Василевська // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана», Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [редкол.: Ю. Вільчинський (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2017. – № 6. – С. 55–64.2227-1503https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/21193У статті здійснено пошук потенціалу професійної етики для підтримки моралі на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства. Виявлено як небезпеки самоізоляції, які несе в собі професійна етика, так і її потенціал у процесі солідаризації професіоналів, відродження громадських цінностей, підтримки та розвитку моралі.The article searches for potential professional ethics to maintain morality in modern society. It is alleged that professional ethics is able to be some basis for solidarity of professionals, island for revival of values, support and development of morality. Value morality and professional ethics is considered as an urgent problem of the modern ethical discourse. It turns out that professional ethics as a relatively independent moral subsystem contains the danger of isolation, and can become a source of centrifugal tendencies in the moral life and can specify sharpening contradictions of social life. Claims of profession autonomy can be justified only within formation of increased demand for professionals who exceed the minimum moral standards, and rigorous self-control of the professional group. However, in this situation public control can protect against the dangers of professional isolation. In situations where professional and ethical requirements are contrary to moral precepts, preference should be given to the moral values and guidelines, as they more finely define the essence of social changes, including the changes that occur in the professional field. It turns out that professional ethics has strong potential to support the values of morals. The requirements of professional ethics and directing plays a regulatory role in the lives of professionals and focuses on awareness of footwear verge of calling in a certain way forms the attitude of man to his own life, the idea of success and happiness, justice and so on. In professional ethics quite powerful are the means of maintaining professional values, which has not a sufficient morality, as the professional ethics, and partly, professional ethics is an institutionalized form of social regulation. Pretty strong base ground for renovation of morality can also be cultivated in professional ethics within the attitude to work as an absolute value. Restoring respect for labour is capable of catalysing interest in civic values. Professional ethics is a kind of «bridge» between moral requirements and professional responsibilities — a compromise that allows solving the «conflict of interest» between them. Complete professional self-realization determines professional dignity, which has significant potential for moral self-regulation of behaviour not only in the field of profession, but also it is an essential component of human dignity. The basis of personal moral status to professional careers is professional liability, which includes professional mission concentrated around values, moral and professional ethical principles and norms, attitudes and behaviour. The belief in moral maturity of the professionals which creates opportunities for his/her full professional realization can be a personal motivator in professional and ethical self-regulation. The conclusion is made that the professional and ethical issues can stimulate «disconnection» with narrow professional vision and search for broader ethical bases of social life in general, and on the other hand — the values and principles, supported by professional ethics, can become the backbone of morality in modern society.В статье осуществляется поиск потенциала профессиональной этики для поддержки морали на современном этапе развития общества. Выявляются как опасности самоизоляции, которые несет в себе профессиональная этика, так и ее потенциал в процессе солидаризации профессионалов, возрождение общественных ценностей, поддержки и развития морали.ukморальпрофесійна етикапрофесіоналізмпрофесіоналиmoralityprofessional ethicsprofessionalismprofessionalsморальпрофессиональная этикапрофессионализмпрофессионалыПрофесійна етика в підтримці цінностей мораліProfessional ethics in maintaining moral valuesПрофессиональная этика в поддержке ценностей моралиArticle124.5:378.4