Savych, OleksandrСавич, Олександр ПетровичKryzhanovska, Olena2025-02-212025-02-212022-06-13Kryzhanovska O. Developing marketing strategy of the enterprise in crisis conditions (on the basis of «Project» LLC) : master thesis : 073, Management / Kryzhanovska Olena ; acad. supervisor Savych Oleksandr ; Kyiv Nat. Econ. Univ. named after Vadym Hetman, Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education named after Anatolii Poruchnyk, Dep. of Intern. Management. – Kyiv, 2022. – 119 p. object of research is formation of updated marketing strategy under the influence of crisis factors for «Project» LLC. The subject of research is the practical aspects of marketing strategy development for «Project» LLC. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze and evaluate possible alternative marketing strategies, which can be used to develop enterprise under crisis conditions and to form practical recommendations for new marketing strategy implementation. Working hypothesis are related to the need to develop alternative marketing strategies for improvement of financial results of «Project» LLC in the Ukrainian market.enmarketing strategymarketing activitiescrisis factorsdevelopment of strategyimplementation of strategyDeveloping marketing strategy of the enterprise in crisis conditions (on the basis of «Project» LLC)Other