Tsymbaliuk, SvitlanaЦимбалюк, Світлана ОлексіївнаЦимбалюк, Светлана АлексеевнаVasylyk, AllaВасилик, Алла ВолодимирівнаВасилик, Алла ВладимировнаStoliaruk, KhrystynaСтолярук, Христина СергіївнаСтолярук, Кристина Сергеевна2023-04-242023-04-242021-10Tsymbaliuk S. Green human resource management policies and practices in Ukraine / S. Tsymbaliuk, A. Vasylyk, Kh. Stoliaruk // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – Odesa, 2021. – Vol. 915: Environmental Sustainability in Natural Resources Management : International Conference, 15–16 October 2021, Odesa, Ukraine. – P. 1–7.https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/39937The main purpose of the study is to assess the development and implementation of GHRM policies and identify prospects for the dissemination of GHRM practices in Ukraine. The results of the survey confirmed the working hypotheses: the practice of developing GHRM policies in Ukraine has not become widespread and there are no effective mechanisms for implementing GHRM policies. The research showed the average level of respondents’ assessment of their awareness of GHRM practices. The study confirmed a lack of effective mechanisms and tools for their implementation: units and employees responsible for implementing the GHRM policy; regulation of tasks, duties and responsibilities of employees; practices of planning the number of employees required for the implementation of environmental initiatives and activities; development of green competencies; informing employees about the GHRM policies implementation; involvement of employees in the formation of green policies and solving ecological problems; survey of employees’ opinion on corporate green practices. The paper focuses on the necessity of disseminating the practices of developing and implementing GHRM policies, it is crucial to raise the awareness of managers and HR specialists.enGreen human resource management policies and practices in UkraineArticle