Banschykov, PetrБанщиков, Петро ГавриловичБанщиков, Пётр ГавриловичPazdrii, VitaliiПаздрій, Віталій ЯрославовичПаздрий, Виталий Ярославович2021-02-172021-02-172017-10Banshchykov P. Assestmnets of manageral and entreprenerial competences for bacheors and masters of economic universities / Peter Banshchykov, Vitalii Pazdrii // International Scientific and Practical Conference “WORLD SCIENCE” . – 2017. – № 10, Vol. 2, October. – P. 4–8.2413-1032 proposed paper describes the theoretical and practical aspects of implementing the certification of managerial and economic competences using business simulation ViAL +. Certificate.enbusiness simulationViAL+CertificateskillseducationcertificatecompetenceassessmentAssestmnets of manageral and entreprenerial competences for bacheors and masters of economic universitiesArticle