Вітлінський, Вальдемар ВолодимировичVitlinskiy, ValdemarВитлинский, Вальдемар ВладимировичСкіцько, Володимир ІвановичSkitsko, VolodymyrСкицко, Владимир Иванович2021-10-202021-10-202016Вітлінський В. В. Ризики в Індустрії 4.0 / Вітлінський Вальдемар Володимирович, Скіцько Володимир Іванович // Вісник Черкаського університету імені Богдана Хмельницького. Серія: Економічні науки : зб. наук. пр. / Черкас. нац. ун-т ім. Богдана Хмельницького ; [редкол.: Є. М. Кирилюк (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Черкаси : Черкас. нац. ун-т ім. Богдана Хмельницького, 2016. – № 3. – С. 17–26.2076-5843https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/36656Стаття є однієї із перших вітчизняних наукових робіт, яка присвячена Індустрії 4.0 (Четвертій промисловій революції). На засадах системного аналізу досліджуються деякі аспекти ризиків в Індустрії 4.0, зокрема, авторами окреслені ризики Індустрії 4.0 та дано авторські уточнення їх сутностей. Наведено авторське бачення класифікації ризиків Індустрії 4.0 за різними ознаками та критеріями. Industry 4.0 is an innovative industrial production of the future, to which uncertainty is inherent that gives rise to various risks that need to be analyzed, modeled and managed. Currently, there are not enough fundamental scientific or practical works that would systematically investigate the problem of risks of Industry 4.0. However, there are foreign works which cover some aspects of risk management in the industry 4.0. There are practically no domestic works on the problem under investigation, therefore we would like to some extent to fill this gap of domestic scientific achievements. Purpose. The purpose is to identify the main risks of Industry 4.0, based on system analysis and refinement of their interpretations and to formulate our own vision of their classification. Materials. In the process of writing the work the available public Internet materials on various aspects of Industry 4.0 were used. Results. The current phase of Industry 4.0 can be considered preparatory to actually the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is characterized by the following risks: investment; innovation activity; industrial espionage and competitive intelligence; intellectual and human resources; administrative and legislative; standards; inconsistencies related to the discrepancy of the concept of Industry 4.0 to the existing information and communication tools and technologies. The next phase of Industry 4.0 implementation stipulates the actual production of prototypes. In case of successful implementation of this phase it can be considered that the Fourth Industrial Revolution has occurred. In this case, all the risks that already exist with some changes will be typical of Industry 4.0 as well. In addition a number of new risks will appear. That is, the risks of Industry 4.0 will be the following: risks of Cyber-Physical Systems, risks of the Internet of Things (or the Industrial Internet of Things), Smart Products risks, Big Data risks, risks of cloud or cloud computing, risk of management, risks of virtual reality and modeling, risks of additive production, risks of information security and cyber security, risks of intellectual and human resources, environmental risks, risks of resource provision of innovative production. In addition, the work also specifies other risk classifications of Industry 4.0. Originality. The authors define risks of Industry 4.0, provide author clarifications of their eesences and propose the author vision of risk classification of Industry 4.0 based on various properties and criteria. Conclusion. This work can be a starting point for further research on the risks inherent to the Industry 4.0 based on various areas, including Industry 4.0 risk modeling.ukризикІндустрія 4.0Четверта промислова революціякіберфізична системаІнтернет РечейriskIndustry 4.0Fourth Industrial RevolutionCyber-Physical Systems (CPS)Internet of Things (IoT)Ризики в Індустрії 4.0Risks in Industry 4.0Article338.2:65.01:658.5