Korohodova, OlenaNartey, Rachel Korkor2022-09-292022-09-292021-11-10Korohodova O. Fiscal policy and its influence on entrepreneurial structures in the conditions of VUCA CHALLENGES [Електронний ресурс] / Korohodova Olena, Rachel Korkor Nartey // Стратегія бізнес-організації в умовах невизначеності : зб. матеріалів міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м. Київ, 10 листоп. 2021 р. / М-во освіти і науки України, Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана ; [орг. ком.: М. Сагайдак (голова) та ін.]. – Електрон. текст. дані. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2021. – C. 16–18. – Назва з титул. екрану.978-966-926-392-6https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/38050This article aims to talk about and analyze the influence of fiscal policy on the entrepreneurship structures in the VUCA concept. The role of fiscal policy in identifying the implications for policy across government is highlighted in this article. The influence of open banking on fiscal policy is given. The topic is also devoted to such problems as volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity affect government spending, taxations, and fiscal expenditure in this period we are in due to COVID 19.enVUCA conceptfiscal policyCOVID 19CHALLENGESFiscal policy and its influence on entrepreneurial structures in the conditions of VUCA CHALLENGESArticle