Bregeda, OlenaБрегеда, Олена АнатоліївнаБрегеда, Елена Анатольевна2018-11-052018-11-052016Bregeda O. A. Liquidity loss & liquidation serpantine / Bregeda O. A. // Problems of development modern science: theory and practice : collection of scientific articles / science ed.: S. I. Drobyazko. – EDEX, Madrid, España, 2016. – P. 191–195.978-617-7214-33-4 article considers insolvency and liquidity risks as core risks in banking. Liquidity is a cash flow of the company and its ratio is an indicator of hidden sight for future insolvency risk. A new understanding of liquidity importance as a measurement of bank stability became after the global financial crisis 2007 – 2008 years. To keep banks away from the serpentine – liquidity loss and liquidation – bankers can produce some remedies to buffer liquidity problems.enliquidityinsolvencyratiocrisisbankslossLiquidity loss & liquidation serpantineArticle