Hernego, YuliiaГернего, Юлія ОлександрівнаГернего, Юлия АлександровнаPetrenko, LiudmylaПетренко, Людмила АнатоліївнаПетренко, Людмила АнатольевнаDyba, MykhailoДиба, Михайло ІвановичДыба, Михаил ИвановичTsarov, VitaliiЦарьов, Віталій МиколайовичЦарёв, Виталий Николаевич2020-11-092020-11-092020-04Innovative financing of creative projects on the Kickstarter platform: Ukrainian and Polish experience [Electronic resource] / Iuliia Gernego, Liudmyla Petrenko , Mykhailo Dyba, Vitalii Tsarov // E3S Web of Conferences. – Electronic text data. – 2020. – Vol. 166: The International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters : first conference, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 20–22 / [ed. board: S. Semerikov (ed.-in-chief) et al.]. – P. 1–11. – Mode of access: https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/pdf/2020/26/e3sconf_icsf2020_13019.pdf. – Title from screen.2267-1242https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/34275In the era of digital economy, the crowdfunding platforms provide the background to mitigate cross-country differences within project financing. In particular, creative projects are important as a vital driver in maintaining business and social sector competitive. Thereby, research problem lays upon the potential of providing crowdfunding support to overcome the creative project divide in different countries. The paper aims to provide scientific support on creative projects innovative financing in Ukraine and Poland within Kickstarter. The research methodology is based on Kickstarter data (10 years; 83 industries and 898 projects) processed by statistical analysis. The Concentration Ratio (CR) was modified to measure the concentration of efforts, considering the largest creative industries within Kickstarter platform. The results section represents high rates of concentration of efforts for Ukrainian creative projects that commercialize tangible physical goods: Product Design and Gadgets. At the same time, in Poland the main concentration of efforts is in the field of intangible intellectual products: Tabletop Games and Video Games. Thus, digital platform is a reflection of interrelations between intangible and tangible values in economies. The study results can be used within national programs of creative innovative projects financial support. In relation to other countries, more extensive study is required.enInnovative financing of creative projects on the Kickstarter platform: Ukrainian and Polish experienceІнноваційне фінансування креативних проектів на платформі Kickstarter: український та польський досвідИнновационное финансирование креативных проектов на платформе Kickstarter: украинский и польский опытArticle