Віктор, Ян2014-11-062014-11-062010-07Віктор Я. Структура польських експортерів. Методичні аспекти вивчення та оцінки / Ян Віктор // Маркетинг в Україні. - 2010. - № 4. – С. 51–55.https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/5169The aim of the paper is a comparative analysis of two basic ranking of Polish companies exporters, created by the editorial opinion journals: "Rzeczpospolita" (newspaper) and "Polityka" (weekly). The analysis has two dimensions. The first is to evaluate the methodology of created 'rankings of Polish exporters", the second one is empirical and comparative analysis. In these respects paper shows the structure of subjective group of the largest Polish exporters, compares their potential volume of exports and the level of internationalization of activities. The paper is the basis for assessing the degree of similarity between the rankings, identification of the extent and causes of diversification and the possibilities of their use in research on marketing strategies of Polish exporters.ukСтруктура польських експортерів. Методичні аспекти вивчення та оцінкиArticle339.138