Shvydanenko, OlehШвиданенко, Олег АнатолійовичMorozov, VolodymyrМорозов, Володимир2024-02-222024-02-222023Morozov V. Ukraine’s export potential on the world product market : bachelor thesis : 051, Economy / Volodymyr Morozov ; acad. supervisor Shvydanenko Oleh ; Kyiv Nat. Econ. Univ. named after Vadym Hetman, Fac. of Intern. Economics and Management, Dep. of Intern. Economics. – Kyiv, 2023. – 78 p. tradeexport potentialworld product marketsustainable developmentagricultural sectormetrics of economyUkraine’s export potential on the world product marketOther