Криволапчук, В. О.Kryvolapchuk, V.Гришко, Оксана МиколаївнаHryshko, Oksana2024-09-052024-09-052018Криволапчук В. О. Вимоги до осіб присатних та державних виконавців: порівняльно-правовий аналіз / В. О. Криволапчук, О. М. Гришко // Наука і правоохорона : наук. журн. / М-во внутр. справ України, Держ. наук.-дослід. ін-т ; [редкол.: Вербенський М. Г. (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ, 2018. – № 2. – С. 7–15. – Закінч. Почат. у поперед. номері.2072-8670https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/handle/2010/45833Significant decrease of the performance of court decisions and trust in the judiciary made the scientific community to consider the issue of the introduction of the institution of a private executive. With the enactment of 02.06.2016 of the Bill of Ukraine “About Bodies and Persons Enforcing the Enforcement of Judgments and Decisions of Other Bodies” No1403-VIII, new entrants “private executivest have been introduced in Ukraine in the enforcement proceedings. Despite the controversy of introducing into the legal field of private performers, the views on raising the requirements for their competence do not cause disagreements among scholars. The comparative legal analysis carried out by the authors of the paper on the legally established requirements for individuals of private and public executives confirmed the urgency of this issue and revealed different approaches to their selection and competence. The research establishes that, in addition to the requirements regarding the age and education of private performers, the legislator imposes additional requirements on the personal and business qualities of a public executor. The absence of similar requirements to a private performer causes different approaches to the selection of private and public executives. The person of the private executor additionally establishes the requirement to pass the qualifying examination and to have full civilian capacity. Such a requirement for state executives is duplicated in Clause 2 Art. 19 of the Bill of Ukraine “About Civil Service”, as they are civil servants. However, at the present stage, there are no documents confirming the full civil capacity of a person. The issue of verifying the recognition of a person as incapacitated or limited is also indeterminate. The authors propose to introduce information on the recognition of a person incapacitated or restricted to the Unified State Demographic Registry. Legislator does not extend to private performers age restrictions and requirements to the absence of a court decision regarding the deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to the performance of the functions of the state or to hold corresponding positions established for the state executors by the Bill of Ukraine “About Civil Service”. The articles proposed by the authors of the changes to the requirements for private performers are important, since the performer, as the manager of someone else’s property, must have a high level of trust among the participants in the proceedings and society.ukprivate executivesgovernment executivesenforcement proceedingsclaimsВимоги до осіб присатних та державних виконавців: порівняльно-правовий аналізRequirements for private and public executives: comparative legal analysisArticle342.951