Petrashko, LiudmylaПетрашко, Людмила ПетрівнаПетрашко, Людмила ПетровнаPetrashko, PetroПетрашко, Петро ГеннадійовичПетрашко, Пётр Геннадьевич2019-01-102019-01-102018Petrashko L. Evaluation of corporate social responsibility business-practices: EU and Ukraine / Liudmyla Petrashko, Petro Petrashko // PNAP. – 2018. – Vol. 27, № 2. – P. 79–89.1895-9911 research presents a comparative evaluation of modern CSR business-practices of the European and Ukrainian companies. In this study we compare modern business practices of CSOs of European and Ukrainian companies for their terminological identification and levels of understanding. We also evaluate their motives, main areas of application, the existence of a formalized CSR policy, forms and tools of CSR practices, key barriers, methods of interaction between companies and their stakeholders, perspectives and priorities for the development of CSR practices in Ukraine.ukcorporate social responsibility (CSR)CSR business practicesEvaluation of corporate social responsibility business-practices: EU and UkraineArticle