Lelechenko, AnzhelaIyzefovych, VladyslavaDoronina, IrynaДороніна, Ірина ІгорівнаДоронина, Ирина ИгоревнаYarovoi, TykhonTomakh, Viktoriia2023-09-262023-09-262021Formation of a Financial Security Management Mechanism Based on the Introduction of New Information Technologies / Anzhela P. Lelechenko, Vladyslava V. Iyzefovych, Iryna I. Doronina [et al.] // Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance. – 2021. – Vol. 9, № 3. – P. 487–497.2331-9712https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/41108The article is devoted to the current problem of forming a strategy-oriented mechanism for managing the financial security of Ukrainian enterprises based on the introduction of new information technologies. It was established that transformational processes in the economy of Ukraine create the need to search for modern and effective ways to ensure the sustainable development of economic entities. The approaches to the definition of the financial security category of the enterprise are generalized and provided the author's definition of this category taking into account the strategically oriented approach. The main strategic guidelines are systematized, which are a prerequisite for the formation of an effective and efficient mechanism for managing the financial security of a modern enterprise of Ukraine in the context of the information and digital economy. A financial security management mechanism has been established to solve the problem of ensuring financial security, assess the level of financial security. A set of measures aimed at using the available resources and capabilities of the enterprise are taken. Proposals are presented for solving typical tasks on information and analytical support of the management process of financial security of the enterprise by means of introduction of new information technologies.enEconomic SecurityStrategyInformation TechnologiesAnalytical SubsystemDestabilizing FactorsFormation of a Financial Security Management Mechanism Based on the Introduction of New Information TechnologiesArticle