Sherhina, LidiiaШергіна, Лідія АнтонівнаШергина, Лидия АнтоновнаKovtun, VitaКовтун, Віта ПетрівнаКовтун, Вита Петровна2020-04-022020-04-022019Shergina L. A. Aspects of alternative energy development in the context of the energy savings of the country / Shergina L. A., Kovtun V. P. // International security in the frame of modern global challenges : collection of scientific works, 2019 / Mykolas Romeris University, Kyiv National Economic University named after Yadym Hetman ; [scientific ed.: Yatsenko O. et al.]. – Vilnius : MRU, 2019. – P. 78–81.978-9955-19-962-5 efficiencyenergy securityenergy resourcesrenewable energyalternative energy sourcesAspects of alternative energy development in the context of the energy savings of the countryArticle