Antoniuk, LarysaАнтонюк, Лариса ЛеонтіївнаАнтонюк, Лариса ЛеонтьевнаSevastiuk, AlinaСевастюк, Аліна ОлексіївнаIlnytskyi, DenysІльницький, Денис ОлександровичИльницкий, Денис АлександровичLihonenko, LarysaЛігоненко, Лариса ОлександрівнаЛигоненко, Лариса АлександровнаDenysova, OlhaДенісова, Ольга ОлександрівнаДенисова, Ольга АлександровнаHorbova, YuliiaГорбова, Юлія СергіївнаГорбова, Юлия СергеевнаDrobotiuk, OlhaДроботюк, Ольга ВолодимирівнаДроботюк, Ольга ВладимировнаZhyber, TetianaЖибер, Тетяна ВасилівнаЖибер, Татьяна ВасильевнаKulaga, IrynaКулага, Ірина ВолодимирівнаКулага, Ирина ВладимировнаStrilchuk, YuliiaСтрільчук, Юлія ІгорівнаСтрельчук, Юлия Игоревна2022-01-112022-01-112021Digital economy: the impact of ICT on human capital and the formation of future competencies : monograph / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman ; [Antoniuk Larysa, Sevastiuk Alina, Ilnytskyy Denys, Ligonenko Larysa et al.] ; ed. by: Antoniuk Larysa, Ilnytskyy Denys, Sevastiuk Alina. – Kyiv : KNEU, 2021. – 211 p.978-966-926-372-8 mission of the university is to make a significant contribution to social development through research, generation of new knowledge, dissemination and training of competitive professionals and creative individuals. The scientific-analytical report systematizes the patterns, features and preconditions and consequences of the processes of digital transformation of national economic models. The models of the digital economy, needs and opinions of citizens on the impact of ICT on human capital and the formation of skills of the future are analyzed. This report was compiled as part of the research project, the key task of which is to prepare recommendations for creating a roadmap for human capital development and the formation of future competencies. Designed for heads of government, companies and institutions of higher education, researchers, entrepreneurs, managers, teachers, students and a wide range of readers interested in the competitiveness of the national economy and the development of the digital economy of Ukraine.enDigital economy: the impact of ICT on human capital and the formation of future competenciesBook005.96:005.336.2]:004.77