Гудзенко-Александрук, ОленаHudzenko-Aleksandruk, OlenaГудзенко-Александрук, Елена2016-06-142016-06-142016Гудзенко-Александрук О. Творча діяльність як чинник формування духовності у християн / Олена Гудзенко-Александрук // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України ; ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана" ; Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [голов. ред. Ю. Вільчинський]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2016. – № 5. – С. 15–24.2227-1503https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/18554The article attempts to analyze the role of creative activity in formation of Christian spirituality. It is pointed out that under present transformations the spiritual problem is actual for both theoretical and practical aspects. Human’s attitude to higher values of life, degree of mastering them is the criteria and indicator of their spirituality (namely humanity and culture). Art is a phenomenon of the culture, where human experience is captured and concentratively expressed. It is noted that the task of art is preservation and updating of artistic and aesthetic consciousness and - as a consequence - rising of personal, individual principle in spiritual and practical understanding of reality. The formation of personality takes place in creative activities. Because the possibilities to be an active personality are revealed in creativity, this personality is able to analyze the problems of the past and present and to help people perceive them adequately. The form of identifying ideal as subjective perception of the artist, the ideal as perfect, - is art image. Ethics of creativity overcomes the negative direction of a spirit, firstly fights with evil and sin, and confirms positive direction of a spirit, the art of valuable content of a life. For Christians the way of creativity is the way of salvation; Gospel commandments are basis of spiritual art. It is emphasized that the sacred problem is determined by absolute axiological dimensions of human existence in the world and is associated with the mythology, religion, beliefs, and institutions of values determined in the context of theological traditions. In particular, sacral feature of sacral music is brightly shown in the symbolism of artistic and religious imagery and scenic diversity. Classical music is entirely based on idealistic, religious outlook, and in its highest examples promotes the development of spiritual potential of listeners. It is noted that a human using creative activity opens a non-material dimension in itself which is strongly associated with high spiritual values. Communication with artworks creates conditions for acquistion of not only art experience, but also the experience of human existence in general.В статье делается попытка анализа роли творческой деятельности в формировании духовности христиан. Отмечается, что приобщение к произведениям искусства создает предпосылки приобретения не только художественного опыта, но и опыта человеческого существования вообще.ukcreativityspiritualitysacredmythologicalarchetypesymbolтворчестводуховностьсакральноемифологичностьархетипсимволТворча діяльність як чинник формування духовності у християнCreative аctivity as a factor in the formation of spiritual christiansТворческая деятельность как фактор формирования духовности у христианArticle130.122:124.4