Polishchuk, YevheniiaПоліщук, Євгенія АнатоліївнаПолищук, Евгения АнатольевнаNagorna, OlgaНагорна, Ольга ВалеріївнаНагорная, Ольга Валерьевна2019-04-182019-04-182014Polishchuk Ye. Effectiveness of Non-bank Financial Institutions: Evidence from Ukraine / Yevheniia Polishchuk, Olga Nagorna // Scientific Journal L'Association 1901 «SEPIKE». – 2014. – Ausg. 4. – С. 188–192.2196-9531https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/29520NBFIs need effective regulation system, which provides the protection of financial services consumers and from other hand the uninterrupted activities of financial market. In this article, costs and revenues of National Commission for the State Regulation of Financial Services Markets in Ukraine (NCSRFSM) from have been taken from 2003 to 2012 for performing the analysis of regulation effectiveness. We attempted to find a correlation between costs and revenues of regulation body and number of NBFIs, which are regulated by NCSRFSM. After these recommendations, further development of NCSRFSM is presented here.enfinancial institutionsfinancial marketregulation of non-bank financial institutionsEffectiveness of Non-bank Financial Institutions: Evidence from UkraineArticle