Пахомов. Юрій МиколайовичОлефір, Анна ОлександрівнаOlefir, AnnaОлефир, Анна Александровна2023-01-032023-01-032005-03-04Олефір А. О. Реалізація національних економічних інтересів у регуляторній системі СОТ : автореф. дис. ... канд. екон. наук : 08.05.01 / Олефір Анна Олександрівна ; Київ. нац. екон. ун-т. – Київ, 2005. – 21 c.https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/38714Досліджено традиційні та новітні концепції реалізації національних економічних інтересів у торгово-економічній сфері з урахуванням системи правил та механізмів СОТ. Визначено структуру потенціалу забезпечення базових інтересів у багатосторонній торговій системі. Оцінено практику застосування уніфікованих правил та механізмів країнами–членами СОТ. Виявлено сукупність зобов’язань, умов та наслідків приєднання до цієї організації нових членів. Визначено рівень зобов’язань, напрями удосконалення законодавства та адаптації економіки України до вимог СОТ. Запропоновано заходи з реалізації національних економічних інтересів у процесі вступу та членства в багатосторонній торговій системі. The thesis is dedicated to the research of the conceptual basis and practical methods for defending the national economic interests within the world trade system. Methodology of formation and implementation of national economic interests is analyzed. Key rules, instruments and mechanisms of the WTO regulatory system were analyzed and their influence on opportunities to defend countries’ basic national economic interests were determined. The following interest have highest potential for implementation within the system: goods and services market access, harmonization of national and corporative, international, regional and global interests, participation in institutionalization of the world trade regulation. Study of the WTO members applied tariff and non-tariff instruments has been conducted and the trend towards application of predominantly non-tariff measures was shown. Liberalization of trade in services has been launched relatively recently and this area remains to be highly regulated by all states analyzed. It was shown that transitional economies and developing countries do not fully exercise the rights and opportunities provided by the multilateral trade system. Dispute settlement mechanism and negotiations constitute the key instruments for defending the national economic interests and restoring rights of the member-states within the multilateral trade system. Investigation revealed the significant increase of initiations of disputes within this system over the last decade that reflects both the larger scope of the WTO agreements comparing to the GATT and higher level of members’ trust to this mechanism. Analysis of procedures and results of past eight rounds and key issues of the current Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations allowed to determine its major principles, approaches and methods as well as countries’ strategies during the negotiations. The single undertaking approach and formula harmonization method prevail, and countries tend to use coalition-building and cooperation strategies in multilateral negotiations. Analysis of terms of accession of eleven transitional economies to the organization showed the direct link between the level of obligation and the length of accession. Most of the newly acceded countries had to agree to a higher level of commitments and to accept so called WTO plus obligations. Concessions of these countries are much higher than obligations of traditional members even of developed ones, in particular in the services sectors. The effects of accession to the organization were analyzed (economic, social and political; short-term and long-term, national and sectoral, macroeconomic and microeconomic). Current state and key directions for improvement of Ukraine’s trade policy and trade regime, provision of its national economic interests while acceding to the WTO were shown. Defense of Ukraine’s economic interests depends upon its clear determination; ability to use WTO rules, mechanisms and instruments, including exceptions from the national treatment and MFN; active strategically oriented constructive and adaptive to new economic realities participation in the negotiations; application of formal and specific dispute settlement procedures. Key benefits that Ukraine might be able to achieve in the long-term period are provision of more stable development of trade and economic relations with the trading partners, acceleration of integration into the European Union, decrease of discriminatory measures against Ukrainian production on the foreign markets, more fair trade disputes settlement; improvement of structural diversification of national export, acceleration of internal economic reforms due to implementation of principles and norms of fair competition in the national regulation. This corresponds to the priorities of the national interests of Ukraine in the area of foreign economic relations. The principle problems the country will face include incompetitiveness of certain sectors of national economy, increase of unemployment, inability to use administrative regulatory resource to directly influence the operation of firms. Strategy for achievement the national economic interests of Ukraine should encompass the number of measures for provision of system competitiveness of the national economy, mobilization of the scientific and technological potential, shift to the innovative model of development, creation of effective system of financial support of the international activities corresponding to the WTO rules, training of specialists in the field of commercial diplomacy. Диссертация посвящена исследованию теоретических основ и практических методов реализации национальных экономических интересов в условиях динамической интернационализации и торговой глобализации. Исследованы традиционные и новые механизмы реализации национальных экономических интересов с учетом системы правил и механизмов ВТО. Определена структура потенциала обеспечения базовых интересов в многосторонней торговой системе. Оценена практика применения унифицированных правил и механизмов странами–членами ВТО. Выявлена совокупность обязательств, условий и последствий присоединения к этой организации новых членов. Определен уровень обязательств, направления усовершенствования законодательства и адаптации экономики Украины к требованиям ВТО. Предложено меры по реализации национальных экономических интересов в процессе вступления и членства в многосторонней торговой системе.ukСвітова організація торгівлінаціональні економічні інтересинаціональна безпекаторгова політикатарифне регулюваннянетарифне регулюваннякомерційна дипломатіяпереговорний процесврегулювання суперечокглобалізаціяWorld Trade Organizationnational economic interestsnational securitytrade policytariff regulationnon-tariff regulationcommercial diplomacynegotiations processdispute settlementglobalizationВсемирная торговая организациянациональные экономические интересынациональная безопасностьторговая политикатарифное регулированиенетарифное регулированиекоммерческая дипломатияпереговорный процессурегулирование споровглобализацияРеалізація національних економічних інтересів у регуляторній системі СОТImplementation of National Economic Interests within the WTO Regulatory SystemРеализация национальных экономических интересов в регуляторной системе ВТОOther339.54:061.1(100)