Sahaidak, MykhailoСагайдак, Михайло ПетровичСагайдак, Михаил ПетровичZavyalova, MarinaЗав’ялова, Марина ВолодимирівнаTepliuk, MariiaТеплюк, Марія АнатоліївнаТеплюк, Мария Анатольевна2019-01-112019-01-112018Sahaidak M. Intelligent resource asymmetries in the logistics management of warehousing in the enterprise / Mykhailo Sahaidak, Marina Zavyalova, Mariia Tepliuk // PNAP. – 2018. – Vol. 29, № 4. – P. 51–60.1895-9911 article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of enterprise resource management, namely: the relationship between the economic essence of the category “resources” and such concepts as intellectual resources, intellectual potential, intellectual support and intellectual resource asymmetries are investigated. This allowed to actualize the issues of improving logistics warehouse management in the enterprise in the context of resource theory. The results of the analysis of the main obstacles in ensuring of increase in the efficiency of functioning of the modern warehouse complex of the enterprise allowed to identify existing resource asymmetries, which suggested to be identified as disproportions of unique resource combinations, which contribute to the formation of stable competitive advantages of the company in the market at a certain time. The sequence of stages is proposed and substantiated, and the criteria of warehousing optimization for the enterprise. A set of measures aimed at improving of the approaches to warehouse business management with the definition of areas of responsibility of employees involved in logistics processes has been developed.enresources of the enterpriseintellectual potentialintellectual resourcesresource asymmetriespersonnellogistics managementwarehouse managementcompetitive advantagesIntelligent resource asymmetries in the logistics management of warehousing in the enterpriseArticle