Hordiienko, IrynaГордієнко, Ірина Василівна2024-11-132024-11-132024Hordiienko I. V. Using blockchain technologies to create distributed, secure corporate systems / Hordiienko I. V. // Innovative trends in the development of information control systems and technologies: monograph / [S. V. Ustenko, B. O. Tishkov, K. L. Shevchenko et al.] ; Min. of Education a. Science of Ukraine, Kyiv Nat. Econ. Univ. named after Vadym Hetman. – Electronic text data. – Kyiv : KNEU, 2024. – P. 515–540. – Title from screen.978-966-926-504-3https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/handle/2010/47000enUsing blockchain technologies to create distributed, secure corporate systemsBook chapter