Implementation of the Bologna Process in Finland and its Impact on Curricula Planning and Quality Assurance

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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
This paper presents an overview of the system of higher education in Finland, discusses some important issues related to the implementation of the Bologna Process in Finnish universities, and explores various tools used for quality assurance in curricula planning and development. As Finland traditionally enjoys top positions in various international rankings on education, the experience of this country should be given significant attention when planning and implementing reforms in countries that are still under the process of harmonizing their systems of education with European and international standards.
higher education, curriculum development, quality assurance, Bologna Process
Syzenko A. Implementation of the Bologna Process in Finland and its Impact on Curricula Planning and Quality Assurance / Anastasia Syzenko // Університетська освіта. - 2015. - № 3. – С. 38–45.