Аgainst Violence in Sports

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ДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
In this paper, based on the content analysis of articles in sport journals and other newspapers are discussed axiological and ethical aspects of violence in sport. Sport, like any other global phenomenon, has its dignity, and its «damnation,» in the mode of violence and other negative aspects. The emphases in the text are also on the causes and consequences of violence in sports, and in particular, the victims of violence: athletes, fans, everyone involved in the sport in relation to it, the citizens and the environment. Managers in sports, at all levels, have an strategic obligation and personal ethical duty to contribute to the prevention of violence in sport. Finally, in the text are discussed some of the options to overcome violence in sport.
sport dignity, sport ethic, moral in sport, «sport damnation», causes of violence in sport, victims of violence in sport, meaning of life
Jovanovic M. Аgainst Violence in Sports / M. Jovanovic // Стратегічні імперативи сучасного менеджменту : зб. матеріалів ІІІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (17–18 берез. 2016 р.) : у 2 ч. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана» ; редкол.: С. М. Соболь (відп. за вип.) [та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2016. – Ч. 2. – С. 224–232.