Як розпізнати псевдонаукову теорію в галузі, де певна людина не є спеціалістом
Тіліченко, Євгеній Геннадійович
Tilichenko, Yevhenii
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Стаття присвячена дослідженню поширеного у суспільстві феноменупсевдонауки. Розглянуто низку особливостей, що характеризуютьсучасну псевдонауку і відрізняють її від офіційної науки. Також приділено увагу визначенню загроз, які псевдонаука може становити для окремих верств населення.
The article is mainly devoted to the phenomenon of pseudoscience in modern society. Nowadays information and communication technologies facilitate therecognition of fake news, statistics and theories. Nevertheless, pseudoscientific theories are spreading rapidly over the globe. That is why is it extremely im portant to reveal such non-scientific approaches and not to use them in scientific research. The definition of the term «pseudoscience» is given in the text. Superficial similarity of pseudoscience with the official science in terms of systematization, methodology and the number of conducted researches needs to be emphasized. The paper takes a critical view of astrology and its usage of complicated specific terms which are used neither in the field of official astronomy nor in any other sciences. The paper analyses the issue of basic scientific knowledge principles observance by pseudoscientific researchers. It is disclosed that pseudoscientific theories do not follow the principle of refutability which was developed by Karl Popper, one of the most remarkable philosophers of science in the history of humanity. The principle of refutability means that all hypotheses, statements and theories should give the possibility to be proven false. It is very unlikely that any of the alien conspiracy theories promoted by the ufologists can be proven or nullified completely because of the lack of evidence and proofs. There is mounting concern that faith in some pseudoscientific theories such as homeopathy may provoke deterioration of health and induce complications of deceases especially for children. The article takes a critical view of scientology while describing the expansion of pseudoscience in different fields of modern society. Being one of the most widely spread and complicated non-scientific practices in the world it performs a very aggressive policy against traditional sciences and beliefs. There is every reason to believe that L. Ron Hubbard, a famous American writer in genre of science fiction, has developed the concept of Dianetics in order to raise funds from people who desire to change their lives and get rid of fears and responsibilities. To perform this task he organized an entity called the Church of Scientology in 1954. It was revealed that members of the Church of Scientology contribute a solid part of their incomes and assets to the organization. There is a lot of comment on crimes and offences committed by members of the Church of Scientology. There is much speculation as to whether or not scientology should be deprived of thestatus of religion and be prohibited by law. In conclusion, the paper proves that any pseudoscientific theory can by recognized by a person even in the field where he or she is not a specialist. The process of recognition requires attention and logical approach.
The article is mainly devoted to the phenomenon of pseudoscience in modern society. Nowadays information and communication technologies facilitate therecognition of fake news, statistics and theories. Nevertheless, pseudoscientific theories are spreading rapidly over the globe. That is why is it extremely im portant to reveal such non-scientific approaches and not to use them in scientific research. The definition of the term «pseudoscience» is given in the text. Superficial similarity of pseudoscience with the official science in terms of systematization, methodology and the number of conducted researches needs to be emphasized. The paper takes a critical view of astrology and its usage of complicated specific terms which are used neither in the field of official astronomy nor in any other sciences. The paper analyses the issue of basic scientific knowledge principles observance by pseudoscientific researchers. It is disclosed that pseudoscientific theories do not follow the principle of refutability which was developed by Karl Popper, one of the most remarkable philosophers of science in the history of humanity. The principle of refutability means that all hypotheses, statements and theories should give the possibility to be proven false. It is very unlikely that any of the alien conspiracy theories promoted by the ufologists can be proven or nullified completely because of the lack of evidence and proofs. There is mounting concern that faith in some pseudoscientific theories such as homeopathy may provoke deterioration of health and induce complications of deceases especially for children. The article takes a critical view of scientology while describing the expansion of pseudoscience in different fields of modern society. Being one of the most widely spread and complicated non-scientific practices in the world it performs a very aggressive policy against traditional sciences and beliefs. There is every reason to believe that L. Ron Hubbard, a famous American writer in genre of science fiction, has developed the concept of Dianetics in order to raise funds from people who desire to change their lives and get rid of fears and responsibilities. To perform this task he organized an entity called the Church of Scientology in 1954. It was revealed that members of the Church of Scientology contribute a solid part of their incomes and assets to the organization. There is a lot of comment on crimes and offences committed by members of the Church of Scientology. There is much speculation as to whether or not scientology should be deprived of thestatus of religion and be prohibited by law. In conclusion, the paper proves that any pseudoscientific theory can by recognized by a person even in the field where he or she is not a specialist. The process of recognition requires attention and logical approach.
псевдонаука, псевдонаукова теорія, принцип спростовуваності гіпотез, саєнтологія, pseudoscience, pseudoscientific theory, principle of refutability of hypotheses, scientology
Тіліченко Є. Як розпізнати псевдонаукову теорію в галузі, де певна людина не є спеціалістом / Євгеній Тіліченко // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана», Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [редкол.: Ю. Вільчинський (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2018. – № 7. – С. 109–120.