Developing an innovative model of resource efficiency for industry

The article deals with the resource efficiency as a new developing an innovative model wherein intellectual and material components are the main products. It is proved that the model proposed is a foundation to develop actions for the enhancement of management and strategic development subsystems of the activities a central component of an economic system. The authors substantiates the requirement for the search of new approaches to the solution of problems of efficiency evaluation of the industry resource-saving model implementation.
resources, strategic resources, resource potential, resource portfolio, traditional resources, intellectual resources, competence resources, transcendent resources, efficiency of the resource supplying, dynamic abilities, strategy development
Shvidanenko G. Developing an innovative model of resource efficiency for industry / Genefa Shvidanenko, Mariia Tepliuk, Maxim Budiaiev // PNAP. – 2017. – Vol. 25, № 6. – P. 19–27.