Дослідження особливостей утворення навчальних малих груп у процесі організації групової проектної діяльності студентів

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Інститут психології імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України
The article deals with the problem of small training group formation during organization of student group projects as a key factor in projects' effectiveness which determines such important group characteristics as group composition, group cohesion, group-members' motivation etc. The author presents the results of empirical research into effects of small training group formation methods on student projects' efficiency in the study of psychological and pedagogical sciences in economic universities. The investigation found four student interaction types during student small groups' formation: emotional, business, emotional-business creative, and indifferent. The student interaction types were determined using two criteria - the emotional appeal and project topic's cognitive attraction. It is concluded that the project problem and topic interesting to a group of students, and uniting them into a project group positively affects the student project groups' work being a factor that promotes team cohesion and project groups' performance. Therefore, to make efficient small student project groups it is advisable to form the groups based on the group members' interests and relevant social and psychological characteristics and communication skills developed in special trainings.
group projecting, interaction, effectiveness, small group, students
Ловка О. В. Дослідження особливостей утворення навчальних малих груп у процесі організації групової проектної діяльності студентів / Ловка О. В. // Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія : наук. журн. / Ін-т психології ім. Г. С. Костюка НАПН України, Укр. Асоц. орг. психологів та психологів праці ; [за ред. С. Д. Максименка, Л. М. Карамушки]. – Київ, 2015. – № 3. – С. 73–81.