Digital Literacy Development Trends in the Professional Environment

This article describes the impact of digital literacy on the professional environment, which allows people to create and share digital content. It also describes how digital literacy can be used communicate and solve problems for effective and creative selfrealization in education, work and social. There are 3 models of digital skills that are largely mutually complementary: DigCompEdu 2018, EU DigComp and Target Competency Model 2025. These models describes changes in the working conditions and requirements for the employee in the context of digitalization. New technologies in teaching digital skills that are continuous, social, personalized and focused on the needs and interests of the students are proposed. The combination of various educational technologies, training formats and technical innovations into a single educational system has also been justified. The improvement in the quality of digital education is due to better data analysis and forecasting, the development and the launch of advanced educational products which uses artificial intelligence techniques. Improvements in forecasting tools enable a better understanding of digital transformation in various departments and ensure their interaction.
digital education, competencies, skills, learning support tools, gamification, chatbot
Digital Literacy Development Trends in the Professional Environment / Kateryna Andriushchenko, Rozhko Oleksandr, Tepliuk Mariia [et al.] // International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. – 2020. – Vol. 19, Iss. 7, July. – P. 55–79.