Using of Business-Simulation for Entrepreneurial Education of Youth 14–19 ages (in schools, colleges, universities) in Ukraine

The main topic of this articles focused on ways of introducing and using of modern simulation into education of youth 14–19 ages in schools, colleges, institutes and universities of post-socialistic countries (for example Ukraine). Actuality of this theme is determined by need of increasing of economic literacy, activity and responsibility of Ukraine’s society for really realization of economic reforms. All persons, especially our youth age 14–19, must have new instruments and skills for reaction and self-realization in new dynamic and quickly changing world. Authors discovered experience, problems and innovative decisions of practical realized state experiment project “Development business education in Ukraine as part of entrepreneurial state policy”, which had started from six secondary’s schools in Kropyvnytskyi (Central Ukraine). Project team used business-simulation ViAL+ for experiment and modernization of entrepreneurial education. Because, this instrument is adopted for Ukrainian conditions, laws and economic culture, traditions. This project became part of the developing of entrepreneurial skills of pupils, which is one of the priorities of the concept of the New Ukrainian School. Also, this experience became a case of providing of entrepreneurial education at the other Ukrainian regions. The main parts of experiment are courses for secondary school “Business Education” for 7–10 classes, summer schools of Business Leadership, local and All-Ukrainian business-tournaments. Also authors described experience of using simulation for youth 16–19 ages in colleges and universities. In articles also are revealed main problems and ways of solving
Using of Business-Simulation for Entrepreneurial Education of Youth 14–19 ages (in schools, colleges, universities) in Ukraine [Electronic resource] / Vitalii Pazdrii, Petr Banschykov, Larysa Kostenko [et al.] // EasyChair Preprint. – Electronic text data. – 2020. – № 3650, June 21. – Mode of access: