The Usage of Technology of the AB-Costing and the Balanced Scorecard in Enterprise’s Business-Process Management
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Atlantis Press
The development of the digital economy has intensified competition in world markets and necessitated the
need for search for new approaches to information support for enterprise activity management. The way of
solving this problem is to organize the system of management accounting by business processes as
components of the Value Chain, since the steady increase in the value that the company provides to its
customers is crucial and provides a generic characteristic of all its activities. In particular, the article proposes
the approach to construction of methodological and organizational support for management accounting based
on combination of the AB-costing, which allows to allocate costs on the basis of identification of cause and
effect interrelation between inputs and outputs of business processes by the Value Chain, and the Balanced
Scorecard, which is designed to model, evaluate and prioritize opportunities to select key success factors in
competition based on a thorough understanding of goals, risks, business model and the Value Chain. The
proposed approach allows to take into account factors of influence on the results of the enterprise activity in
current and future periods.
management accounting, strategic management accounting, Balanced Scorecard, AB-costing, Value Chain, digital economy
The Usage of Technology of the AB-Costing and the Balanced Scorecard in Enterprise’s Business-Process Management / Yurii Kuzminskyi, Iryna Kryshtopa, Maryna Voronova [et al.] // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. – 2020. – Vol. 129: III International Scientific Congress Society of Ambient Intelligence 2020 (ISC-SAI 2020). – P. 23–30.