Brand platforming of the enterprise

Nowadays enterprise needs to understand that it’s enough to be present in the market only by the fact. Branding is the platform from which every successful marketing campaign is launched. Any marketing effort that hopes to be on target needs a well-designed brand strategy behind it. When you devise your brand strategy, you’re actually making a business case for why your business, product, service, event, campaign or project – whatever it is – should be positioned in a particular way. So next in the abstract author tries to explain main connections between enterprise and final costumer. The main connection form will be called “The brand platdform”.
Brand platform, brand values, enterprise benefits
Chuzhykov A. Brand platforming of the enterprise / Andrii Chuzhykov // Information Technologies, Management and Society : 17th International Scientific Conference Information Technologies and Management, 2019 April 25–26 / ISMA University [et al.] ; [ed.: V. I. Gopejenko, N. Burlucka]. – Riga : ISMA, 2019. – P. 108–109.