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  • lib.szfir@kneu.edu.ua

Нормативні документи


Recent Submissions

Developing marketing strategy of the enterprise in crisis conditions (on the basis of «Project» LLC)
(Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, 2022-06-13) Kryzhanovska, Olena; Savych, Oleksandr; Савич, Олександр Петрович
The object of research is formation of updated marketing strategy under the influence of crisis factors for «Project» LLC. The subject of research is the practical aspects of marketing strategy development for «Project» LLC. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze and evaluate possible alternative marketing strategies, which can be used to develop enterprise under crisis conditions and to form practical recommendations for new marketing strategy implementation. Working hypothesis are related to the need to develop alternative marketing strategies for improvement of financial results of «Project» LLC in the Ukrainian market.
Improving project management system at the enterprise (on the basis of «Da-Stroy» LLC)
(Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, 2022-06-13) Krainii, Bohdan; Tsarov, Vitalii; Царьов, Віталій Миколайович
The object of research thesis is the process of implementing project activities, taking into account the design and construction specifics of the enterprise. The subject of the study is the theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations for the implementation of project activities, identification of areas for improving project management approaches, and the system in general. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to reveal the scientific, theoretical, and practical foundations for the improving project management system at the enterprise. The assessment is based on the performance of the LLC «Da-Story» which is a design and construction company and highlights areas for improving the mechanism of its management.
Regional strategy of the company «Microsoft Corporation» in Ukraine
(Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, 2022-08-30) Kravchenko, Liliia; Кравченко, Лілія Олександрівна; Ivanets, Iryna; Іванець, Ірина Василівна
Microsoft is an international technology company with a mission to empower every person and organization in the world to attain more risk. The company continues transforming the business to keep its leading positions in the market of cloud and AI technologies as well as develop other promising innovative ideas. Strategy is an important component of the future success of the company. Microsoft Corporation from a strategic angle show that it’s well positioned in comparison to its peers. Based on the peers’ strategies analyses and analyses of the overall trend of the tech industry, we conclude, that for Microsoft could be useful to pay attention to the following technologies: edge computing, quantum computing, blockchain, virtual reality, augmented reality as well as extended reality. Based on our SWOT analyses, Microsoft has quite a favorable mix of strengths and opportunities to successfully deal with the potential influence of its weaknesses and threats. BSG matrix shows that Microsoft has no Dogs (products with low market growth rate and low market share) and quite a strong opportunity to transform current cash cows’ products into stars’ category. Analyses of Microsoft’s strategy and financial performance have led us to the conclusion that the radical transformational change introduced by the current CEO resulted in positive financial outcomes and the successful expansion into the previously omitted cloud technologies market. The financial performance of the Microsoft Corporation is positive, with a two-digit growth rate in revenue, gross margin, and operating income during the analyzed period. The key factors of such positive results are a successful and on-time strategic shift to the cloud technologies and services supported by the enormous growth of the demand due to COVID-19 influence and balanced costs management. Microsoft Ukraine has also experienced a positive influence from the increased demand in FY20. Nowadays without positive and transparent performance in the CSR sphere, it’s difficult and almost impossible to successfully develop and executed any business strategy. Microsoft has a good position among its peers in terms of ESG ratings (which help to evaluate CSR activity) and the overall tech industry has strong positions in such ratings. We identify potential ways for future development of Microsoft’s CSR activities (e.g. increase percentage of the recycled materials in its products, increase the scales of its ESG projects and include customers as a target category to the scope of such projects, increase efforts on measuring of the progress of individual employees and organizational health) which could positively influence its reputation between clients, its financial performance and even rise investment attractiveness.
Development of the operational management of «Da-Stroy LLC»
(Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, 2022-06-13) Ilin, Mykyta; Ільїн, Микита Сергійович; Kubareva, Iryna; Кубарева, Ірина Володимирівна
Da-Stroy is a quickly developing construction company working most of all on design, renovation works of all difficulties as well as small new construction efforts. Considering the future end of war and the increase of the amount of multiple international donors in addition to already existing in the company’s portfolio, as well as nontransparency of the Ukraine’s open tenders «prozorro», the bid for international Customers is obvious. For proper operation with international Customers, the company must improve the on-site operational management as well as the problem of prompt and highquality cooperation with the English-speaking donors. In order to solve this issue, two Alternative solutions were described in the above consulting project. Alternative 1. Hiring additional qualified staff in order to release the time of existing staff, which, in turn, will be directed to a higher quality performance of their direct and indirect duties. Alternative 2. Provide additional courses / education to the existing engineering staff. This diploma works shows the comparison of two alternatives, including risks analysis and the payback period of their implementation. At the end of the day the realisation of this project will improve the quality of services provided and the income of the Company within two years under realistic conditions.
Developing of human resources management policy at the enterprise (on the basis of «Gestoria Ukraine» LLC)
(Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, 2022-06-13) Voitovych, Olena; Войтович, Олена Анатоліївна; Tsymbaliuk, Svitlana; Цимбалюк, Світлана Олексіївна
The thesis consists of 3 parts. The first part includes the theoretical foundations of human resources management. The essence and the content of the human resource management policy have been revealed. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the human resource management policy of «Gestoria Ukraine» LLC, and the assessment of its strengths and weaknesses. The alternative projects and measures to improve the human resource management policy of «Gestoria Ukraine» LLC have been formulated in the third part. Дипломна робота складається з 3 розділів. У першому розділі дипломної роботи були проаналізовані теоретичні засади управління людськими ресурсами. Розкрито сутність і зміст політики управління людськими ресурсами. Другий розділ присвячений аналізу політики управління людськими ресурсами ТОВ «Хесторія Україна», оцінці її сильних сторін та недоліків. У третьому розділі були запропоновані альтернативні проєкти та заходи з вдосконалення політики управління людськими ресурсами у ТОВ «Хесторія Україна».