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Item Стратегії міжнародних банківських груп в Україні(ДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», 2015-01-23) Цівина, Маргарита Сергіївна; Tsivyna, M. S.; Цивина, Маргарита Сергеевна; Петрашко, Людмила ПетрівнаУ роботі досліджено процеси транснаціоналізації, концентрації, та регіональної фрагментації банківського бізнесу, розкрито природу лібералізації руху капіталу в глобальному бізнес-середовищі, систематизовано стратегії міжнародних банківських груп на фінансових ринках. Оцінено роль іноземного капіталу у вітчизняній банківській системі, ідентифіковано стратегії входження та визначені закономірності оптимізації вибору стратегій міжнародними банківськими групами на фінансовому ринку України. Визначена стратегічна варіативність конкурентного входження міжнародних банківських груп на фінансовий ринок України. Узагальнено досвід лібералізації регулювання транснаціонального банківського бізнесу різних країн світу на предмет адаптації його в вітчизняному бізнес-середовищі. Виявлено можливість трансформації інвестиційного ландшафту банківської сфери в контексті євроінтеграційної політики України. The processes of transnationalization, concentration and regional fragmentation of transnational banking business was studied, the nature of capital flow liberalization in the global business environment was revealed, the entry strategies of international banking groups in the financial markets were systemized. It is shown that the main subjects of the banking business globalization are the international banking groups. Because of the high level of concentration and centralization of capital they facilitate the formation of international monopolies and oligopolies with their radically impact on the financial system of the host countries. The strategies of international banking groups, which allows to create an optimized portfolio of corporate, functional and operational banking strategies were systematized. The particular emphasis was placed on the expansionist strategies of international banking groups in the global financial market together with the distinguishing the strategies of new banking structures creation, mergers and acquisitions, formation of strategic alliances and informal agreements and arrangements. There were estimated the entering processes and the nature of strategic functioning of the international banking groups in the financial market of Ukraine with distinguishing the stages of their evolution. The attention was focused on the feasibility to differentiate the banks depending on the direct or indirect participation and the level of banking control by the foreign investors: banks with significant participation of foreign capital, banks controlled by foreign investor, quasi-foreign banks, pseudo-foreign banks. The entering strategies were identified and the patterns of the optimization of the selection of international banking groups’ strategies in the financial market of Ukraine were defined. In the dissertation there was made an attempt to justify the critical level of foreign capital in the banking sector of Ukraine. The attention was focused on the positive impact of foreign capital on the efficiency of the national banking system during the crisis by diversifying the main sources of bank resources formation, mainly due to the factor of the external grants. The strategic variability of the competitive entry of international banking groups in the financial market of Ukraine was defined. In the dissertation there were improved and tested the tools of the integrated assessment of domestic and international banks’ competitiveness, including quantitative and qualitative characteristics and the methods of processing the study results. The experience of regulation liberalization of transnational banking business around the world was generalized in the terms of adapting it to the domestic business environment. The attention was focused at the aggravation of the political, economic and financial situation in Ukraine intensifies the outflow abroad both foreign and domestic capital. In this paper, there was made the complex estimation of the transboundary movement of capital regulatory regimes in the European Economic Area in the form of the Association Agreement with the EU. There was grounded the prematurity if the enlargement policy of international capital liberalization in Ukraine, which could lead to base narrowing for financing the productive investments, decreasing the share of domestic deposits in the banks' liabilities structure, reducing the tax base and increasing government budget deficit, increasing the demand for foreign currency, growing of the problem with the international liquidity of Ukraine. The possibility of transforming the banking sphere investment landscape in the context of European integration policy of Ukraine was revealed. Considering the international regulatory experience, global principles and rules of international convergence of capital requirements to Basel II, III, ІV and European banking standards there was shown the feasibility of selective mode of regulation the direct and portfolio investment, depending on their types and forms. The financing policy should take into account not only current, often opportunistic needs and interests of the public crisis management, but also the strategic perspectives and threats to the national economy, the exceeding of the foreign debt critical levels. В работе исследованы процессы транснационализации, концентрации и региональной фрагментации банковского бизнеса, раскрыта природа либерализации движения капитала в глобальной бизнес-среде, систематизированы стратегии международных банковских групп на финансовых ринках. Оценена роль иностранного капитала в отечественной банковской системе, идентифицированы стратегии вхождения и определены закономерности оптимизации выбора стратегий международными банковскими группами на финансовом рынке Украины. Определена стратегическая вариативность конкурентного вхождения международных банковских групп на финансовый рынок Украины. Обобщен опыт либерализации регулирования транснационального банковского бизнеса разных стран мира на предмет адаптации его к украинской среде. Выявлена возможность трансформации инвестиционного ландшафта банковской сферы в контексте евроинтеграционной политики Украины.