Challenges of Conducting Export Financing Research: Experience of Georgia

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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Development of international trade relationships is a strategically important issue for the world economic and especially for Georgia, as it is an economically open country with limited resources. For developing countries financing trade activities has a crucially important role in promoting export. Based on the actuality of trade financing issues and accessibility on financial resources, it is always interesting to observe dynamics and trends on these topics because systematic data obtained from the research is one of the key sources for economic policy determiners in decision making process. The paper is dedicated to analyze the methodological approaches of trade financing studies, examines challenges related to the research of export financing problems and determines current challenges based on the experience of Georgia. The article also provides specific recommendations in terms of systematization of the data needed to evaluate efficiency of trade financing activity across the country.
Export financing problems, challenges of conducting research, unavailable statistical data, specific segment of respondents
Jibladze N. Challenges of Conducting Export Financing Research: Experience of Georgia / Jibladze Natia // Стратегічні імперативи сучасного менеджменту : зб. матеріалів ІV Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (19–20 квіт. 2018 р.) / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана» ; редкол.: С. М. Соболь (відп. за вип.) [та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2018. – С. 326–333.