Improving enterprise change management system (on the basis of «Eugene» LLC)
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Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана
The object of research is the existing processes and change management system at EUGENE LLC in the face of military challenges. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the project of change management at the company «EUGENE» LLC and assess its effectiveness in today’s market competition. The subject of research is theoretical and methodological mechanisms and practices of change management in the enterprise. Working hypotheses are related to the need to implement development projects during martial law in Ukraine.
changes, change management at enterprise, strategy development, analysis, strategy implementation
Bohdan V. Improving enterprise change management system (on the basis of «Eugene» LLC) : master thesis : 073, Management / Vira Bohdan ; acad. supervisor Moskaliuk Nataliia ; Kyiv Nat. Econ. Univ. named after Vadym Hetman, Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education named after Anatolii Poruchnyk, Dep. of Intern. Management. – Kyiv, 2022. – 95 p.