Історико-економічний аналіз соціокультурних факторів та національних особливостей розвитку вітчизняного підприємництва
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
У статті проведено історико-економічний аналіз соціокультурних факторів та національних особливостей, що істотно впливають на процеси інституціоналізації підприємництва в українському суспільстві.
Здійснено дослідження тенденцій та специфіки функціонування вітчизняного підприємництва та його закономірностей розвитку.
The article is dedicate to the historical and economic research of socio-cultural factors and national peculiarities that significantly influence the processes of institutionalization of entrepreneurship in Ukrainian society. The analysis of tendencies and specifics of the functioning of domestic business and its developmental patterns was conducted. The study of entrepreneurship on Ukrainian territory allowed to determine the peculiarities of the process of establishment and development of entrepreneurship, namely: during the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the mutual influence of formal and informal components of the enterprise of entrepreneurship, its dependence on state policy and foreign investment is revealed; the process of entrepreneurship development was controversial. The main factors of the process of deformation of entrepreneurship in the Soviet period were: state-building and displacement from the business environment of private economic organizational forms of entrepreneurship, hypertrophied centralization of the economy, command-administrative model of management of entrepreneurial initiative. The cultural tradition of the Ukrainian people was studied, which did not contribute to the formation of a civilized national type of entrepreneurship. The cultural and civilization layer of the Soviet period further exacerbated the situation, has caused the blurring of many positive features of the national mentality and traditional values, the substitution of individualistic orientations by egalitarian-collectivist, deformation of labor ethics and motivation to work. Some features of the national mentality have become hypertrophied. At the present stage, the main institutional factors that impede the formation and effective development of entrepreneurship are: poor access of economic entities to information and its asymmetry, lack of clear legal and regulatory framework, orientation of institutions responsible for establishing the basic of entrepreneurship, pseudo-market rules behavior, inconsistency of formal and informal institutions, lack of clarity of property rights, excessive regulation of entrepreneurial activity, etc.
В статье проведено историко-экономическое исследование социокультурных факторов и национальных особенностей, которые существенно влияют на процессы институционализации предпринимательства украинского общества. Проведено анализ тенденций и специфики функционирования отечественного предпринимательства и его закономерностей развития.
The article is dedicate to the historical and economic research of socio-cultural factors and national peculiarities that significantly influence the processes of institutionalization of entrepreneurship in Ukrainian society. The analysis of tendencies and specifics of the functioning of domestic business and its developmental patterns was conducted. The study of entrepreneurship on Ukrainian territory allowed to determine the peculiarities of the process of establishment and development of entrepreneurship, namely: during the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the mutual influence of formal and informal components of the enterprise of entrepreneurship, its dependence on state policy and foreign investment is revealed; the process of entrepreneurship development was controversial. The main factors of the process of deformation of entrepreneurship in the Soviet period were: state-building and displacement from the business environment of private economic organizational forms of entrepreneurship, hypertrophied centralization of the economy, command-administrative model of management of entrepreneurial initiative. The cultural tradition of the Ukrainian people was studied, which did not contribute to the formation of a civilized national type of entrepreneurship. The cultural and civilization layer of the Soviet period further exacerbated the situation, has caused the blurring of many positive features of the national mentality and traditional values, the substitution of individualistic orientations by egalitarian-collectivist, deformation of labor ethics and motivation to work. Some features of the national mentality have become hypertrophied. At the present stage, the main institutional factors that impede the formation and effective development of entrepreneurship are: poor access of economic entities to information and its asymmetry, lack of clear legal and regulatory framework, orientation of institutions responsible for establishing the basic of entrepreneurship, pseudo-market rules behavior, inconsistency of formal and informal institutions, lack of clarity of property rights, excessive regulation of entrepreneurial activity, etc.
В статье проведено историко-экономическое исследование социокультурных факторов и национальных особенностей, которые существенно влияют на процессы институционализации предпринимательства украинского общества. Проведено анализ тенденций и специфики функционирования отечественного предпринимательства и его закономерностей развития.
підприємництво, підприємець, легітимність підприємництва, господарчий менталітет, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, business legitimacy, economic mentality, предпринимательство, предприниматель, легитимность предпринимательства, хозяйственный менталитет
Кудласевич О. М. Історико-економічний аналіз соціокультурних факторів та національних особливостей розвитку вітчизняного підприємництва / Кудласевич Ольга Миколаївна // Стратегія економічного розвитку України : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана ; [редкол.: В. А. Верба (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2018. – Вип. 42. – С. 18–28.