Science and technology park: effective mechanism to transfer knowledge and technology between science and business sectors
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Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана
The Science and technology park - a mechanism to transfer knowledge and technology between science and business sectors - ensures the growth of innovation-based companies; strengthens high-tech sectors; deepens connections between sectors; supports enterprises based on new technologies; encourages university spin-off and spin-out organizations. Within the framework of the National Innovation System, the creation of STP is a part of the national plan and/or strategy, which develops science, technology and innovation and transfers innovative products to the market.
The study analysis mechanism, which effectively transfers knowledge and technologies between the science and business sectors, as well as theoretical approaches and experience among the countries: Belgium (Tech Lane Ghent Science Park), Ireland (Athlone Business and Technology Park), Denmark (Symbion), Czech Republic (Pilsen Science and Technology Park), Slovenia (Pilsen Science and Technology Park) and Estonia (Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol). Common characteristics and differences of science and technology parks are identified; the peculiarities of the functioning of the Techno Park operating in Georgia are studied; Challenges in the process of knowledge and technology transfer between the science and business sectors are discussed; Conclusions and recommendations are developed.
We identified the main tools that support strong connections between the sectors, including: university laboratories; testing facilities; mentoring, incubation and accelerator programs; meeting spaces; academic and corporate research and development centers; and industrial training factories. It has an inestimable importance in the formation of highly qualified human capital and new knowledge.
The results of the study showed that the presence of universities and research institutes in STP are crucial for the performance of its main function, as well as: 1. existence of STP as a mechanism for effective transfer of knowledge and technologies between the sectors requires the cooperation of regional and national governments, business and science sectors. 2. The location is important, which creates the supporting force and determines the development of STP. The city or area where the STP is located is attractive for innovative people and students. Researchers and research and development personnel are critical to the proper conduct of the research implementation process. 3. STP provides: 1. Commercialization of research ideas in the science sector and financing of further studies; 2. Development of high-quality infrastructure to meet the needs of small high-tech companies and improve their connections with universities and research institutions. 4. Developing countries like Georgia have limited resources and research capacity to locate science and technology parks in different cities of the country. Therefore, it becomes important to place them in the most economically developed city, where most of the research institutes and universities are represented. If STP fails in an economically developed city, its success is less expected in other regions. 5. Support activities for university spin-off and/or spin-out companies in developing countries, which will allow the science sector to explore the possibilities of creating innovative products and/or new knowledge and to observe the entire process of technological product development, including its introduction to the market.
National Innovation System, Science, Technology, Innovation, Research and Development, Science and Technology Park
Lekashvili E. Science and technology park: effective mechanism to transfer knowledge and technology between science and business sectors [Електронний ресурс] / Eka Lekashvili, Mariam Bitsadze // Стратегія бізнесу: українські реалії та можливості конвергенції з ЄС : зб. матеріалів Міжнар. наук.-практ. Інтернет-конф., 08 листоп. 2023 р. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана» ; [орг. ком.: М. П. Сагайдак (голова) та ін.]. – Електрон. текст. дані. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2023. – С. 188–191. – Назва з титул. екрану.