Туристичний кластер – інструмент регіонального розвитку та економічного зростання
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
В статті авторами розглянуто роль туристичних кластерів, як
інструменту регіонального розвитку та економічного зростання. Обгрунтовано розвиток туризму в регіонах та його сприяння збільшенню ВВП, зайнятості, притоку іноземної валюти та розвитку регіонів, інфраструктури,
соціальній та економічній інтеграції. Розкрито роль кластерного підходу не
тільки у виробничій сфері, а й у туристичній галузі.
Авторами поставлено і обгрунтовано цілий ряд завдань: визначення основних засад та концептуальних підходів туристичних кластерів, розглянути особливості формування і розвитку туристичних кластерів, розробити механізм кластерного управління розвитком внутрішнього ринку туристичних послуг в Україні. Запропоновано визначення поняття "туристичний кластер", розглянуто блок формування та розвитку туристичних кластерів,
доведено, що важливим учасником кластеру має бути споживчий туристичний продукт.
The article deals with the role of tourism clusters as a tool for regional development and economic growth. Countries around the world are trying to succeed in tourism to improve economic performance. The deve-lopment of tourism in the regions and its promotion of GDP, employment, foreign exchange inflows and regional development,infrastructure, social and economic integration are proved. The role of the cluster approach not only in the production sphere but also in the tourism industry is revealed. The tourism cluster is considered as an effective tool to increase productivity and competitiveness. The necessity of constructive rethinking of mechanisms of conversion of economic subjects on the basis of definition of preconditions, stages and processes of formation and development of tourism clusters is proved.A number of tasks forthe study of this issue were set and proved in the article. The basic principles and conceptual approaches of tourism clusters were defined. The peculiarities of the formation and development of tourism clusters were considered and a mechanism for clustermanagement of the domestic market of tourism services in Ukraine was developed.The research wasconducted on the basis of normative documents regulating the tourism activity of Ukraine, the study of leading foreign and domestic specialists in the development of the tourism industry.The cluster is considered as a modern organizational form that promotes strategic coordination of enterprises and increasing international competi-tiveness as cluster strategies providing a region with significant benefits and business opportunities to strengthen the regional economy. Clusters are created and used to increase the investment attractiveness of a region.There were provided opinions and positions of a number of authors on the concept of clusters, which leads to the identification of clusters that stimulate both competition and cooperation.The approaches to the definition of “tourism cluster” of a number of authors are considered. As a result of the analysis, the authors identified the main components of this concept, the composition of target groups, the purpose of the tourism clusters, the subject of activity, the characteristics of tourism clusters (geographical, sectoral).The authors proposeв a definition of “tourism cluster”, a set of business structures, bodies of power and government agencies, NGOs operating in the tourism industry and related industries that share tourism resources of a particular region. The proposed definition is more complex compared to the studied approaches, as it includes all aspectsof the concept (object, subject, purpose).There are four main sectors in the structure of the tourism cluster: the production of tourism services, the service sector, the supporting sector, and ensure the tourism cluster function.The block of formation and development of tourism clusters was investigated. Cluster formation is defined as a trend of structural changes in the economy as well as the nature of internal causes and motives that motivate economic entities to strategic cooperation of clusters. Theoretical under-standing of the problem of cluster development allowed making conclusion that there is no clear methodological justification for the prerequisites and motivational factors for cluster development.It is proved that the consumer tourism product should be an important participant of the cluster. It is the consumer who creates the preconditions and distinguishes it from other species due to the specific characteristics of the tourist product. The methodology of the development of the cluster of business entities is considered and graphically represented, and six stages of realization of this process are formed. The tourism cluster like clusters in generalis defined as the geographical concentration in a region of interconnected companies.
туристичні кластери, регіональний розвиток, економічне зростання, туристична галузь, туристичні послуги, розвиток кластеру, туристичний продукт, tourism clusters, regional development, economic growth, tourism sphere, tourism services, integration, competitiveness, productivity, development of a cluster, tourism product, consumer
Мазур В. С. Туристичний кластер – інструмент регіонального розвитку та економічного зростання / Мазур Володимир Степанович, Галько Оксана Василівна // Стратегія економічного розвитку України : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана ; [редкол.: О. М. Гребешкова (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2022. – Вип. 50. – С. 134–149.