Моделі і технології прогнозування та проблема проектування майбутнього: аналіз стану і окремі результати

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Рамазанов, Султан Курбанович
Ramazanov, Sultan
Степаненко, Ольга Петрівна
Stepanenko, Olga
Степаненко, Ольга Петровна
Тішков, Богдан Олександрович
Tishkov, Bogdan
Тишков, Богдан Александрович
Черняк, О. І.
Chernyak, O.
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Видавничий будинок Мелітопольської міської друкарні
The problem of sustainable development has a variety of aspects: systemic, synergistic, ecological, economic, mathematical, informational, philosophical, legal, educational, etc. The paradigm of sustainable development requires the transition from the study of separately functioning isolated systems to the study of integral evolving systems, the actualization and promotion of system-synergies of the open system and its environment. On the basis of application of informational and innovative technologies for prediction of nonlinear dynamics of ecological-economic and social-humanitarian systems, integrated stochastic models of objects and processes suitable for conditions of systemic crises are developed and investigated. The concept of integration of 4 spheres of activity and functioning of modern complex systems is considered. A general conceptual-integrated integrated model is proposed, a synergetic model of dynamics based on uncertainty (stochastic and chaotic components) is generalized. To predict the development of an innovative economy, an integrated stochastic nonlinear model of growth dynamics in the phase space was previously developed and investigated. We are convinced that environmental problems (including crises and cats trophies) not only reflect the contradictions between society and nature - they have always been the projection of internal dissonances in the spiritual culture, or rather, the inconsistencies in the development of the human mind. And that at this stage of evolution, as before, the quality of the mind, more than any other parameter of the system, determines the objective limits of growth.
Моделі і технології прогнозування та проблема проектування майбутнього: аналіз стану і окремі результати / Рамазанов С. К., Степаненко О. П., Тішков Б. О., Черняк О. І. // Актуальні проблеми прогнозування розвитку соціально-економічних систем : монографія / Київ. нац. ун-т ім. Т. Шевченка [та ін.] ; [за ред. О. І. Черняка, П. В. Захарченка]. – Мелітополь, 2019. – С. 164–191.