Informational Support of Cash Flow Management Processes in Public Administration
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Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
Management functions of the state in the field of regulation of financial flows is the basis of a modern market economy. The intricate and complex nature of the control object itself also forces us to continually look for ways to increase the effectiveness of both analysis and planning techniques. High-quality informational support predetermines the effectiveness of managerial decisions in the sphere of regulation of financial flows. The wide variability of information support is the key to the ability to apply effectively administrative impact. At the same time, accounting, control and analysis are interconnected management functions that provide information support for making management decisions at any level. The information analysis technique based on fuzzy decision trees is an innovative and well-proven way to provide government institutions with a reliable analytical tool.
Cash Flow, Informational Support, Management, Public Administration
Informational Support of Cash Flow Management Processes in Public Administration [Electronic resource] / Viktoriya Onegina, Mykola Husiatynskyi, Valerii Nemchenko [et al.] // International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. – Electronic text data. – 2019. – Vol. 8, Is. 11, September. – P. 2836–2841. – Title from screen. – Mode of access: