Взаємодія державної влади та громадянського суспільства в Україні в умовах системних викликів сучасності (кратологічно-управлінський і антропологічний дискурси)
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Інститут держави і права імені В. М. Корецького Національної академії наук України
We consider the issues of interaction between government and civil society in modern Ukraine in
terms of system calls through the prism kratological and management analysis and anthropological
discourses. These discourses are concentrated in the kratological domain of research, because the
issues of power in the domestic space forever are key in the theoretical and practical plane.
Nowadays, the kratological discourse is complemented by the problem of studying the network of civil
society and the E-state, which causes a qualitatively different view of political power - as a disperse
phenomenon, a set of political alternatives known and equal to all rules.
The author draws attention to the importance of lighting latent internal mechanisms for the
implementation of political and / or power state for a deeper understanding of trends, implications and
possible prospects of implementation of the strategy of systemic transformation of the Ukrainian state
and society. At the same time, special attention is paid to the formation of a de facto semi-political
confrontation between political and social actors of two types - representatives of the establishment
and "opinion leaders" of the traditional and networked civil society. If the former are mainly
representatives of the domestic political class of the post-Soviet period, then the latter are activists,
intellectuals, artists, public, and eventually also potential statesmen (say, the young generation of
people's deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation), who came to the political
and social advance during or after the revolutionary events of autumn 2013 - the winter of 2014. It is
proved that in the conditions of those splits that occur now in Ukraine, the key social and political
actors of socio-political shifts should be updated representatives of the ruling class, on the one hand,
and «opinion leaders» from among the traditional and the network of civil society, on the other hand.
Substantiates the view that the expression of an effective and truly democratic interaction of the state
and civil society should be to ensure transparent competitive environment and creating a realm where it
becomes possible political dialogue between the government and citizens, which the state is ready to
negotiate with its citizens about the important issues of social development. After all, the main problems of
the national state building in Ukraine in the last two and a half decades are related precisely to the fact that
the domestic ruling class has not managed to conduct a permanent public dialogue with citizens, and those
attempts to formulate and put forward relevant projects of social agreements that were carried out by social
actors from the civil society, did not find an adequate response from the political actors on the part of the
state. Thus, it can be argued that while the attempts to "conventionalisation" Ukrainian political life are a
model of "one-gates", when only one side of a potential public-public dialogue and the conclusion of a social
contract on its basis is interested in such a process.
Moreover, the representatives of the establishment of various ideological and ideological and
geopolitical directions, from the conventionally "pro- Moscow" to the conditionally "pro-American" and
"pro-European" ones, have shown their disinterest. The basis of such a political dialogue should be
symbolic of the conclusion convene social contract between senior representatives of the state and
civil society on the basis of a political and social compromise. The importance of achieving a political
and social compromise is due not only to the fact that without its achievement it is impossible to speak
about the further political and socio-economic progress of our state in the conditions of a long
Russian-Ukrainian military conflict and the unsolved numerous splits (intergenerational, value,
structural-institutional, geopolitical And others) within the domestic society, but also because in recent
decades, under the influence of the deployment and deepening of the processes of informatization
and globalization in a substantial way the understanding of political and / or state power has changed -
its essence, purpose, features of interaction with society and citizens.
A true "conventionalisation" of domestic political life is possible only on condition of recognition of
the equality of both subjects in the conclusion of such a symbolic pact - and the leading figures of the
political class and civil society actors, with their circle to be expanded as much as possible, including
through the involvement of representatives of the network civil society, various communities of socalled "grassroots" public initiatives.
political power, government, civil society, state, ruling class, «opinion leaders», transformation
Бульбенюк С. Взаємодія державної влади та громадянського суспільства в Україні в умовах системних викликів сучасності (кратологічно-управлінський і антропологічний дискурси) / Світлана Бульбенюк // Studia politologica Ucraino-Polona : щоріч. журн. з політ. наук / Нац. акад. наук України, Ін-т держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького, Пол. акад. мистецтв і наук, Пол. наук. т-во у Житомирі ; за ред. Володимира Горбатенка та Ірени Ставови-Кавки. – Житомир ; Київ ; Краків : ФОП Євенок О. О., 2017. – Вип. 7. – С. 163–171.