Етико-економічні концепції якості життя в оцінці добробуту та благополуччя
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
У статті здійснено дослідження проблеми оцінки якості життя з урахуванням економічних та неекономічних показників. Розглянуто теорію «суб’єктивного благополуччя» і теорії «об’єктивних характеристик благополуччя», визначено проблеми та перспективи використання критеріїв етичної оцінки добробуту й благополуччя як спільного блага.
The article deals with the analytical overview of contemporary concepts of wellbeing and welfare. The matter, meaning, and economic and moral importance of quality of life, the economic and non-economic indicators of its calculation are revealed. The problems of measurement of the well-being of individual life, welfare, and the quality of life of nations are analysed. The special attention is given to the analysis of the problems of using GDP to measure the quality of life and well-being (imperfect method of calculating GDP, an incorrect account of the dynamics of inequalities within the country and the role of households, ignoring the things that have fundamental importance for the quality of life. As an alternative to GDP the criteria for evaluation of quality of life are offered, which were grounded by theories of «subjective well-being» (R.Layard’s Economics of Happiness) and the theories of the «objective parameters of well-being» (A. Sen’s Capabilities Approach). This paper demonstrates indicators and sources of happiness (family relationships, financial situation, work, community and friends, health, personal freedom, personal values) in estimates of well-being as a common good, designates problems of measuring and using of its indicators, outlines practical recommendations to governments for the development of economic policy programs. The special attention is given to the objective indexes of quality of life and opportunities available to achieve the goal of good life (education, lifelong learning, decent work, employment security, non-discrimination and open opportunities for persons with disabilities, access to transport, leisure and participation in cultural events, political participation, free media, social networks, membership in different organizations, the rule of law, environmental conditions, safety, etc.). Thus, it is argued that the ethical theories of well-being demonstrate their good theoretical and practical viability, give jolt to the expansion of the content of public debate about the programs, transform poorly performing social institutions.
В статье осуществляется исследование проблемы оценки качества жизни с учетом экономических и неэкономических показателей. Рассматриваются теории «субъективного благополучия» и теории «объективных характеристик благополучия», выявляются проблемы и перспективы использования этической оценки благосостояния и благополучия как общего блага.
The article deals with the analytical overview of contemporary concepts of wellbeing and welfare. The matter, meaning, and economic and moral importance of quality of life, the economic and non-economic indicators of its calculation are revealed. The problems of measurement of the well-being of individual life, welfare, and the quality of life of nations are analysed. The special attention is given to the analysis of the problems of using GDP to measure the quality of life and well-being (imperfect method of calculating GDP, an incorrect account of the dynamics of inequalities within the country and the role of households, ignoring the things that have fundamental importance for the quality of life. As an alternative to GDP the criteria for evaluation of quality of life are offered, which were grounded by theories of «subjective well-being» (R.Layard’s Economics of Happiness) and the theories of the «objective parameters of well-being» (A. Sen’s Capabilities Approach). This paper demonstrates indicators and sources of happiness (family relationships, financial situation, work, community and friends, health, personal freedom, personal values) in estimates of well-being as a common good, designates problems of measuring and using of its indicators, outlines practical recommendations to governments for the development of economic policy programs. The special attention is given to the objective indexes of quality of life and opportunities available to achieve the goal of good life (education, lifelong learning, decent work, employment security, non-discrimination and open opportunities for persons with disabilities, access to transport, leisure and participation in cultural events, political participation, free media, social networks, membership in different organizations, the rule of law, environmental conditions, safety, etc.). Thus, it is argued that the ethical theories of well-being demonstrate their good theoretical and practical viability, give jolt to the expansion of the content of public debate about the programs, transform poorly performing social institutions.
В статье осуществляется исследование проблемы оценки качества жизни с учетом экономических и неэкономических показателей. Рассматриваются теории «субъективного благополучия» и теории «объективных характеристик благополучия», выявляются проблемы и перспективы использования этической оценки благосостояния и благополучия как общего блага.
етичний консеквенціалізм, якість життя, благополуччя, добробут, спільне благо, щастя, ethical consequentialism, quality of life, well-being, welfare, happiness, этический консеквенциализм, качество жизни, благополучие, благосостояние, общее благо, счастье
Маслікова І. Етико-економічні концепції якості життя в оцінці добробуту та благополуччя / Ірина Маслікова // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана», Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [редкол.: Ю. Вільчинський (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2017. – № 6. – С. 75–86.