Модель екологічної естетики в теоретичній розробці Юріо Сепанмаа

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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
A rather new discipline for Ukraine which is called environmental aesthetics is under consideration in the article. The analysis of environmental aesthetics that explores the global problem of coexistence of man and nature through the definition of aesthetic value and symbolic meaning of the environment is the main focus in the modern philosophical discourse. The actuality of the topic is evident because environmental aesthetics is a developed discipline in the USA, Canada and Finland, some steps of analyses are made in Russia, but in Ukraine it has not become the subject of scientific discussion yet. It is necessary to stress the possibility of practical application of theoretical achievements in this field of research: in the Ukrainian educational space a course entitled «Environmental aesthetics» written by head of Kyiv ecological and cultural center V. Boreiko was introduced. It is aimed at giving skills of environmental and aesthetic attitudes towards the world of nature. The concept of environmental aesthetics created by the Finnish philosopher Y. Sepanmaa as one of the most prolific western treatment is considered in the article It reveales a substantive field and the main issues of environmental aesthetics that are fed into the overall context of aesthetic theory in the frames of ontology and metacriticism of environmental aesthetics. This study is conceptual and philosophical. In the paper the author mainly appeals to the work «The Beauty of Environment: A General model for Environmental Aesthetics», as it is the most thorough exposition of environmental aesthetics in this field of research. Firstly, Y. Sepanmaa has noted that there were three starting points for environmental aesthetics: the philosophy of beauty, the philosophy of art, and the metacriticism. Environmental aesthetics is the aesthetics of a real world. It is analyzed as a sphere of aesthetic appreciation of objects of the environment. Then, the author offered the classification of aesthetic objects: there are two types (natural and artificial) and three kinds: 1) works of art, 2) the invironment (in a state of nature and altered), 3) environmental art. There are no limits or criteria for the differentiating the class of «objects of environmental aesthetics», because there are no limits for them in space and time. Making the environment an aesthetic object is based only on a decision of the recipient. After that, the philosopher identifies three ways of aesthetic descriptions: description, interpretation, evaluation. It is concluded that the work «The Beauty of Environment: A General model for Environmental Aesthetics» helps to understand that environmental aesthetics belongs to the intellectual and cultural evolution of the modern times. It is a discipline with its own concepts, its own object, and problems, and, what is the most important, with its own contributions in the field of the aesthetic science. The main goal of environmental aesthetics is to educate a fully developed community that will live in harmony with the natural world.
В современном философском дискурсе главное место занимает анализ экологической эстетики, исследующей глобальную проблему сосуществования человека и природы. В статье рассматривается концепция экологической эстетики финского философа Ю. Сепанмаа как одна из самых плодотворных разработок, раскрывается ее предметное поле и основная проблематика.
aesthetic evaluation, aesthetic object, aesthetic value, art, environment, environmental aesthetics, искусство, окружающая середа, экологическая эстетика, эстетический объект, эстетическая оценка, эстетическая ценность
Ляшко Л. Модель екологічної естетики в теоретичній розробці Юріо Сепанмаа / Л. Ляшко // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України ; ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана" ; Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [голов. ред. Ю. Вільчинський]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2015. – № 4. – С. 139–148.