Проблемы формирования политической нации в постсоветских странах на этапе независимости
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Розглянуто проблеми становлення політичних націй у специфічних умовах пострадянської трансформації. Визначено роль національної ідеї та формування громадянського суспільства у цьому процесі, проаналізовано позитивні та негативні аспекти його здійснення.
Thе article describes problems of political nations arising in specific conditions of post-Soviet transformation, identifies role of national idea and civil society in this process, analyzes positive and negative aspects of its realization.
The article describes problems of political nations arising in specific conditions of post-Soviet transformation. The article identifies role of national idea and civil society in this process, analyzes positive and negative aspects of its realization.
Definition of political nation is justified as a specific phenomenon of political situation in a society where there is a need to overcome major differences between various population groups and political forces in accordance with respective nationality, mentality, domestic and foreign policy. Nowadays in all newly independent countries there is a need to form political nations. The only exception, as foreign experts say, is Armenia which has a high level of ethno-confessional and mental population‟s unity with joint national idea in defending the rights to the territory of Nagornyj Karabakh.
It would be difficult to claim about possibility of such nation formation in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan with their different but still high level of authoritarianism. These countries would be able to solve this issue after substantial democratization of public life. Limitations of democratic basis also prevent arising of a political nation in Belorus, but in this country there is a possibility of no need to create a nationhood due to rise of civil society. With high economic dynamics, specific mentality, population traditions and dominance of native population, there could be different degree of the need to form such nation in Azerbaijan. Kyrgyzstan‟s experience before the „tulip revolution‟ showed that forcing the democratic foundations leads to the opposite result. High need to form such nation is now in Moldova but this could be possible just after achieving consensus on foreign policy issues.
Transit to political nation is very important in such multinational and multiconfessional countries as Russia and Kazakhstan. In these countries the authorities carry out activities to expand democratic foundations of public life but they are mostly imitative.
Experience of other CIS countries has a huge importance for Ukraine, firstly for defining common causes of difficult transition to a political nation formation. This experience underlines the necessity of evolutionary path of strengthening the democratic foundations of social development, providing consensus of political forces, building the civil society.
Рассматриваются проблемы становления политических наций в специфических условиях постсоветской трансформации. Определяется роль национальной идеи и формирования гражданского общества в этом процессе, анализируются положительные и отрицательные факторы его осуществления.
Thе article describes problems of political nations arising in specific conditions of post-Soviet transformation, identifies role of national idea and civil society in this process, analyzes positive and negative aspects of its realization.
The article describes problems of political nations arising in specific conditions of post-Soviet transformation. The article identifies role of national idea and civil society in this process, analyzes positive and negative aspects of its realization.
Definition of political nation is justified as a specific phenomenon of political situation in a society where there is a need to overcome major differences between various population groups and political forces in accordance with respective nationality, mentality, domestic and foreign policy. Nowadays in all newly independent countries there is a need to form political nations. The only exception, as foreign experts say, is Armenia which has a high level of ethno-confessional and mental population‟s unity with joint national idea in defending the rights to the territory of Nagornyj Karabakh.
It would be difficult to claim about possibility of such nation formation in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan with their different but still high level of authoritarianism. These countries would be able to solve this issue after substantial democratization of public life. Limitations of democratic basis also prevent arising of a political nation in Belorus, but in this country there is a possibility of no need to create a nationhood due to rise of civil society. With high economic dynamics, specific mentality, population traditions and dominance of native population, there could be different degree of the need to form such nation in Azerbaijan. Kyrgyzstan‟s experience before the „tulip revolution‟ showed that forcing the democratic foundations leads to the opposite result. High need to form such nation is now in Moldova but this could be possible just after achieving consensus on foreign policy issues.
Transit to political nation is very important in such multinational and multiconfessional countries as Russia and Kazakhstan. In these countries the authorities carry out activities to expand democratic foundations of public life but they are mostly imitative.
Experience of other CIS countries has a huge importance for Ukraine, firstly for defining common causes of difficult transition to a political nation formation. This experience underlines the necessity of evolutionary path of strengthening the democratic foundations of social development, providing consensus of political forces, building the civil society.
Рассматриваются проблемы становления политических наций в специфических условиях постсоветской трансформации. Определяется роль национальной идеи и формирования гражданского общества в этом процессе, анализируются положительные и отрицательные факторы его осуществления.
політична нація, національна ідея, громадянське суспільство, політичні трансформація та консенсус, ментальність, недержавні організації, Співдружність незалежних держав, Європейський Союз, political nation, national idea, civil society, political transformation and consensus, mentality, non-governmental organisations, Commonwealth of the Independent States, European Union, политическая нация, национальная идея, гражданское общество, политические трансформации и консенсус, ментальность, негосударственные организации, Содружество независимых государств, Европейский Союз
Будкин В. С. Проблемы формирования политической нации в постсоветских странах на этапе независимости / В. С. Будкин // Історико-політичні студії : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана", Ін-т історії укр. суспільства ; ред.кол.: І. Д. Дудко (голова) [та ін]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2013. – № 1. – С. 68–74.