Criteria for optimizing the structure of budget expenditures in Ukraine
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International Academy of Business and Ecomomics
The arlicle shows that the current state of development of Ukraine after choosing the
path to market transformation is characterized by deep institutional transformations,
which often lead to the emergence of social conflicts. Quite often the main reason of such
conflicts is iilleffective redistribution of public wealth, which causes dissatisfaction with
society. The most risky area in this context is the budget and budget system. The article
shows that a considerable part of the produced national product is accumulated in the
budget. The redistribution of accumulated funds between the regions of the country is
carried out through the system of intergovernmental relations, and then betvveen the final
recipients of budget funds. All these processes characterize the state's vision of defining
and implementing budget priorities. The diagrams of volumes, changes, growth rates of
the expenditures of the state budget of Ukraine, as well as their structure according to the
functional classification for 2015–2016 are presented. It is suggested that the
development of optimal approaches to budget priorities formation is an urgent problem
for the Ukrainian society, with one of these priorities in the budgetary sphere being the
optimization of the structure of budget expenditures.
budget, budget priorities, budget system, budget policy, budget expenditures, globalization
Savchuk N. Criteria for optimizing the structure of budget expenditures in Ukraine / Nataliia Savchuk // Journal of International finance and economics / ed. in chief James Estes. – 2018. – Vol. 18, Iss. 1. – P. 13–26.