Теоретико-методологічні засади гідної праці: проблеми та напрями розвитку

dc.contributor.authorКолот, Анатолій Михайлович
dc.contributor.authorKolot, Anatolii
dc.contributor.authorКолот, Анатолий Михайлович
dc.contributor.authorГерасименко, Оксана Олександрівна
dc.contributor.authorHerasymenko, Oksana
dc.contributor.authorГерасименко, Оксана Александровна
dc.description.abstractОбґрунтовано сучасний погляд на інститут гідної праці. Виокремлено причини дефіциту гідної праці та дестабілізації соціально-трудової сфери. Викладено авторський концепт гідної праці як стратегічний орієнтир розвитку соціально-трудової сфери.uk
dc.description.abstractIn the article, further scientific development has received the conceptual and institutional platform of decent work as a strategic transforming direction of the social and labor sphere. This article contains the author’s concept of theoretical and methodological principles of the Decent Work Institute. There is substantiated the practical importance of the Decent Work Institute in the developing of social and labor sphere. The objective causes of ideas on developing the concept of decent work are examined. It is shown destabilizing factors and asymmetry of social and labor sphere in the context of decent work deficit. It is proved that under present-day conditions, the decent work should become a global goal of development and a convincing response to challenges of globalization. Author’s interpretation of the Decent Work Institute is proposed. It is substantiated the importance of the Decent Work Institute in the functioning of the social and labor relations. It is proved the necessity of the transition from the informal to formal economy as the framework conditions for the formation and development of the Decent Work Institute. There is determined the negative effects of informal employment in the context of the implementation of principles of decent work. The reasons for limit development of the Decent Work Institute are determined. It is proved that one of the main causes of unsustainable development of social and labor sphere, conservation deficit of decent work is insufficient scientific processing of decent work issues, immaturity modern economic thought and worldview. It is noted that the modernization and development of theoretical and methodological bases of the Decent Work Institute should be carried out in the general context of science on labor and social and labor relations on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach. Authors` position on the definition of "decent work" as a complex, multifaceted phenomenon and systems is grounded. A concept of decent work as the theoretical and applied foundation of embodiment of the principles of decent work and determination of the main ways of establishing the Decent Work Institute is proposed. The functions of the concept of decent work are revealed. It is determined the components of decent work at the global, national, microeconomic and individual (personal) levels. The implementation directions of the concept of decent work in the context of European integration are revealed. Theoretical and methodological rationale of the concept of decent work is contained in this article as a basis for further scientific and applied research on the socio-economic dimension and the legal format of decent work, mechanisms to its ensure under conditions of the new economy and European integration processes.uk
dc.description.abstractОбоснован современный взгляд на институт достойного труда. Выделены причины дефицита достойного труда и дестабилизации социально-трудовой сферы. Изложен авторский концепт достойного труда как стратегический ориентир развития социально-трудовой сферы.uk
dc.identifier.citationКолот А. М. Теоретико-методологічні засади гідної праці: проблеми та напрями розвитку / А. М. Колот, О. О. Герасименко // Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія і практика : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України ; ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана" ; Ін-т соц.-труд. відносин ; редкол.: А. М. Колот (голова) [та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2015. – № 2. – С. 21–42.uk
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»uk
dc.subjectСоціально-трудова сфераuk
dc.subjectгідна працяuk
dc.subjectдефіцит гідної праціuk
dc.subjectконцепт гідної праціuk
dc.subjectкомпоненти гідної праціuk
dc.subjectSocial and labor sphereuk
dc.subjectdecent workuk
dc.subjectdecent work deficitsuk
dc.subjectconcept of decent workuk
dc.subjectdecent work componentsuk
dc.subjectСоциально-трудовая сфераuk
dc.subjectдостойный трудuk
dc.subjectдефицит достойного трудаuk
dc.subjectконцепт достойного трудаuk
dc.subjectкомпоненты достойного трудаuk
dc.titleТеоретико-методологічні засади гідної праці: проблеми та напрями розвиткуuk
dc.title.alternativeTheoretical and methodological basis of decent work: problems and directions of developmentuk
dc.title.alternativeТеоретико-методологические основы достойного труда: проблемы и направления развитияuk
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