Суперечливі соціально-екологічні процеси ХХІ сторіччя і виклики для України
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
У статті проаналізовано основні тенденції науково-технічної революції останніх років, розкрито їх вплив на суспільні процеси у світі та в Україні; викладено прогноз розвитку цих процесів в українському контексті.
The article dwells upon the main tendencies of scientific and technological revolution of the recent years. The author reveals their influence on social processes in the world and in Ukraine; the prognosis of these processes development in Ukrainian context is outlined. The first phenomenon analyzed is the main contemporary trends in practical philosophy and futurology. A lot of scientists are speculating about the upcoming technological singularity, so-called transhumanism and some other tendencies that tend to become more influential than those «eternal» questions of philoso phy: human freedoms, political institutions etc. Space explorations and alternative energy sources are also strongly advertised in modern media. The second idea is a fashionable phenomenon of blockchain and cryptocurrency. This technology may lead to more qualitative system of democracy. The main danger of crypto-currency, on the other hand, lies within its totally virtual nature, which does not have any basis in material equivalent. The author continues with a description of the third modern trend in political processes: contradictions between globalization and alternative globalization. There is a copious usage of these ideas in aggressive modern ideology of Russian Federation. Ukraine as a democratic state has to establish its own view about the development of modern civilization. The war on Donbass in this context is in the center of contest between Pre-Modern vision of civilizational development (Dugin and Putin allies’ philosophy) and Modern and Post-Modern visions (Ukraine as a developed European country which defends all the main values of social democracy and civilized capitalism of the postindustrial era). The conflict in Syria can also be mentioned as a key moment of struggle between Pre-Modern Muslim societies and a new vision of development of the Eastern nations. Rojava district is a symbol of progressive social experiment where women’s rights and face-to-face democracy are firstly established as a harbinger of Post-Modern society.
The article dwells upon the main tendencies of scientific and technological revolution of the recent years. The author reveals their influence on social processes in the world and in Ukraine; the prognosis of these processes development in Ukrainian context is outlined. The first phenomenon analyzed is the main contemporary trends in practical philosophy and futurology. A lot of scientists are speculating about the upcoming technological singularity, so-called transhumanism and some other tendencies that tend to become more influential than those «eternal» questions of philoso phy: human freedoms, political institutions etc. Space explorations and alternative energy sources are also strongly advertised in modern media. The second idea is a fashionable phenomenon of blockchain and cryptocurrency. This technology may lead to more qualitative system of democracy. The main danger of crypto-currency, on the other hand, lies within its totally virtual nature, which does not have any basis in material equivalent. The author continues with a description of the third modern trend in political processes: contradictions between globalization and alternative globalization. There is a copious usage of these ideas in aggressive modern ideology of Russian Federation. Ukraine as a democratic state has to establish its own view about the development of modern civilization. The war on Donbass in this context is in the center of contest between Pre-Modern vision of civilizational development (Dugin and Putin allies’ philosophy) and Modern and Post-Modern visions (Ukraine as a developed European country which defends all the main values of social democracy and civilized capitalism of the postindustrial era). The conflict in Syria can also be mentioned as a key moment of struggle between Pre-Modern Muslim societies and a new vision of development of the Eastern nations. Rojava district is a symbol of progressive social experiment where women’s rights and face-to-face democracy are firstly established as a harbinger of Post-Modern society.
футурологія, війна, геополітика, конфлікти, глобалізація, соціальна екологія, futurology, war, geopolitics, conflicts, globalization, social ecology
Андрос О. Суперечливі соціально-екологічні процеси ХХІ сторіччя і виклики для України / Олег Андрос // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана», Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [редкол.: Ю. Вільчинський (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2018. – № 7. – С. 99–108.