Концептуальні засади соціально відповідального управління кадровим потенціалом підприємства
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Досліджено передумови імплементації основ соціально відповідального управління в
практику вітчизняних суб’єктів господарювання. Вказано на необхідність здійснення управління кадровим потенціалом підприємств як специфічною соціоекономічною підсистемою управління на основі взаємної соціальної відповідальності. Обґрунтовано необхідність розробки концептуальних основ соціально відповідального управління кадровим потенціалом. Розкрито сутність і складові концепції соціально відповідального управління кадровим потенціалом.
The aim of the paper: to provide a scientific basis for the components of the concept of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities of enterprise. The recent changes in the economic systems demonstrate the building of a socially oriented economy that takes into account not only the interests of the owners of the means of production, but also the interests of employees, local communities, one that aimed at protecting the environment, etc. Coupled with the increasing role of human being as a personality in the capitalization of assets and creation of added value, it necessitates rethinking management paradigms regarding a person at work for the sustainable development of the enterprise. It can be identified the key conditions for realization of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities at the enterprises: responsibility for decisions and actions that over binding commitments; availability of mutual benefit; maximizing the positive and/or minimizing the negative effects or results of the implementation of the principles of social responsibility in activities; synergy. The author’s vision of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities, who personified with human-resource of enterprise as managed system relatively regulator, implies the acceptance and awareness of the responsibility for their behavior and actions. It should involve such managerial activity that would be aimed at the progress of humanresource capabilities on the basis of the synergy for owner (leadership) and employees that would ensure sustainable development of all participators of the process. One can conclude that at the present state of the development of socio-economic systems, there is a change in the paradigm concerning the cooperation in managing human-resource capabilities of enterprise. So there is reason to talk about the necessity to form the concept of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities. We suppose that the proposed concept is an integral part of the concept of socially responsible management of enterprise and should include the basic provisions: aim, object and subject of management, principles, approaches, methods and techniques for managing humanresource capabilities through the implementation of social responsibility in this process. According to the essential characteristics of the concept components, one can provide the author’s vision in a generalized manner, which constitutes scientifically-based managerial activity of the leadership of the enterprises regarding its own human-resource capabilities on the basis of mutual social responsibility with the aim of sustainable development of enterprise and human-resource capabilities. The development of a mechanism of the performance of the concept of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities of enterprises can be considered as the prospects for further research.
Исследованы предпосылки имплементации основ социально ответственного управления в практику отечественных субъектов хозяйствования. Указано на необходимость осуществления управления кадровым потенциалом предприятий как специфической социоэкономической подсистемой управления на основе взаимной социальной ответственности. Обоснована необходимость разработки концептуальных основ социально ответственного управления кадровым потенциалом. Раскрыта сущность и составляющие концепции социально ответственного управления кадровым потенциалом.
The aim of the paper: to provide a scientific basis for the components of the concept of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities of enterprise. The recent changes in the economic systems demonstrate the building of a socially oriented economy that takes into account not only the interests of the owners of the means of production, but also the interests of employees, local communities, one that aimed at protecting the environment, etc. Coupled with the increasing role of human being as a personality in the capitalization of assets and creation of added value, it necessitates rethinking management paradigms regarding a person at work for the sustainable development of the enterprise. It can be identified the key conditions for realization of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities at the enterprises: responsibility for decisions and actions that over binding commitments; availability of mutual benefit; maximizing the positive and/or minimizing the negative effects or results of the implementation of the principles of social responsibility in activities; synergy. The author’s vision of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities, who personified with human-resource of enterprise as managed system relatively regulator, implies the acceptance and awareness of the responsibility for their behavior and actions. It should involve such managerial activity that would be aimed at the progress of humanresource capabilities on the basis of the synergy for owner (leadership) and employees that would ensure sustainable development of all participators of the process. One can conclude that at the present state of the development of socio-economic systems, there is a change in the paradigm concerning the cooperation in managing human-resource capabilities of enterprise. So there is reason to talk about the necessity to form the concept of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities. We suppose that the proposed concept is an integral part of the concept of socially responsible management of enterprise and should include the basic provisions: aim, object and subject of management, principles, approaches, methods and techniques for managing humanresource capabilities through the implementation of social responsibility in this process. According to the essential characteristics of the concept components, one can provide the author’s vision in a generalized manner, which constitutes scientifically-based managerial activity of the leadership of the enterprises regarding its own human-resource capabilities on the basis of mutual social responsibility with the aim of sustainable development of enterprise and human-resource capabilities. The development of a mechanism of the performance of the concept of socially responsible management of human-resource capabilities of enterprises can be considered as the prospects for further research.
Исследованы предпосылки имплементации основ социально ответственного управления в практику отечественных субъектов хозяйствования. Указано на необходимость осуществления управления кадровым потенциалом предприятий как специфической социоэкономической подсистемой управления на основе взаимной социальной ответственности. Обоснована необходимость разработки концептуальных основ социально ответственного управления кадровым потенциалом. Раскрыта сущность и составляющие концепции социально ответственного управления кадровым потенциалом.
Кадровий потенціал, концепція, соціальна відповідальність, human-resource capabilities, concept, social responsibility, кадровый потенциал, концепция, социальная ответственность
Смачило В. В. Концептуальні засади соціально відповідального управління кадровим потенціалом підприємства / В. В. Смачило // Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія і практика : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України ; ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана» ; Ін-т соц.-труд. відносин ; редкол.: А. М. Колот (голова) [та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2016. – Вип. 2. – С. 227–236.