Історична пам’ять: виклики минулого і майбутнього
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
У статті йдеться про конфлікти в сфері інтерпретації минулого, проактуалізацію понять «війни пам’яті», «політичні ігри з пам’яттю», «війни пам’ятників», політика «обрубаної пам’яті», «пам’ять як простір для маневру». На прикладі колишніх радянських республік Середньої Азії проаналізовано політику пам’яті щодо подій 1917 р., Другої світової війни та декомунізації. Наголошено, що у більшості середньоазійських країн відсутнє цілісне сприйняття історії. До сьогодні існують різноманітні політизовані концепції в історії, які суперечать одна одній.
The article deals with the conflicts in the interpretation of the past, and with actualization of «memory warfare», «political memory games», «monument wars», «cluttered memory» policy concepts. The memory policy of events of the 1917, the Second World War and de-communication is analyzed by the example of the former Soviet republics of the Central Asia. It is noted that there is no perception of history in most of the Central Asian countries. To date, there are various politicized concepts in history that contradict with each other. A coherent vision of the past is a precondition for development of a common position in the future. Political changes in the modern world are accompanied by no less than scale changes in collective memory. Historical policies include not only the politicization of history, but also the «burden» of individual topics of a political relevance. Historical memory acts simultaneously as a form of collective memory and as an object and subject of historical politics. There is a critical rethinking of the Soviet past and an attempt to create a «national » narrative and a certain model of collective memory in the former republics of the Central Asia. There is a deep study of national movements, revolutionaryevents, civil wars based on new sources and methodologies, without ideological roots. The Soviet past has ceased to be an exceptional symbolic resource, which could be based on implementation of the domestic policy of states. There is a search for a consensus vision of the past, eroding the contradictions of historical memory, refusing abuse of history; for adjusting historical memory, for isolating alternative versions of memory. At the same time, there are «memories of war», disputes around memory which affect the politics and the development of states.
The article deals with the conflicts in the interpretation of the past, and with actualization of «memory warfare», «political memory games», «monument wars», «cluttered memory» policy concepts. The memory policy of events of the 1917, the Second World War and de-communication is analyzed by the example of the former Soviet republics of the Central Asia. It is noted that there is no perception of history in most of the Central Asian countries. To date, there are various politicized concepts in history that contradict with each other. A coherent vision of the past is a precondition for development of a common position in the future. Political changes in the modern world are accompanied by no less than scale changes in collective memory. Historical policies include not only the politicization of history, but also the «burden» of individual topics of a political relevance. Historical memory acts simultaneously as a form of collective memory and as an object and subject of historical politics. There is a critical rethinking of the Soviet past and an attempt to create a «national » narrative and a certain model of collective memory in the former republics of the Central Asia. There is a deep study of national movements, revolutionaryevents, civil wars based on new sources and methodologies, without ideological roots. The Soviet past has ceased to be an exceptional symbolic resource, which could be based on implementation of the domestic policy of states. There is a search for a consensus vision of the past, eroding the contradictions of historical memory, refusing abuse of history; for adjusting historical memory, for isolating alternative versions of memory. At the same time, there are «memories of war», disputes around memory which affect the politics and the development of states.
історична пам’ять, минуле, революція 1917 р., Друга світова війна, колишні радянські республіки Середньої Азії, historical memory, past, revolution of 1917, Second World War, former Soviet republics of Central Asia
Бевз Т. Історична пам’ять: виклики минулого і майбутнього / Тетяна Бевз // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана», Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [редкол.: Ю. Вільчинський (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2018. – № 7. – С. 143–156.