Проблеми на шляху становлення в Україні політичної нації

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ДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Проаналізовано питання визначення поняття «політична нація» та його відмінність від поняття «етнічна нація». Досліджено основні фактори щодо формування в Україні на сучасному етапі національної ідеї та, своєю чергою, політичної нації.
It is dealt with analyses of the problem of «political nation» definition and its distinction from the definition «ethnic nation». Basic factors on formation of modern Ukrainian national idea and in its turn political nation are discussed.
Becoming of political nation as multiethnic community united by common interests and aspirations of citizens of Ukraine is an important pre-condition for consolidation of Ukrainian society based on preservation of identity of all nations and nationalities, their development within the multination state. There is also need of 28 harmonious relations between nations and nationalities, guaranteed possibility of free use of language in communication, education, studies and art.
The author explains the necessity of such approach in solving this problem. This approach is based on inherent for the most European states morality on priority of human and citizen rights and excludes any discrimination on national, confessional, language or other indication.
Complicated situation in becoming political nation in Ukraine is conditioned by multinational composition of its population and other objectives, including historical circumstances, deep social differentiation in society and by the permanent system crisis. As to historical background of present day challendes to formation of political nation in Ukraine it is dealt with a fact that during centuries Ukrainian territories were parts of other states. As a result – existing diversities in mentality of representatives of different regions of Ukraine, their approaches to estimation of many historical events and figures of the past, last decades transformations in political and socio-economic development, foreign-policy orientation etc. It must be said also about absence of clear vision of the prospects as well as program of development of Ukraine regarding majority of existing political forces in Ukrainian society.
Among negative factors are permanent contest for power in Ukraine, attempts of radical political forces to impose nationalistic ideology on society, national or language discriminative approaches to realization constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.
Among acute questions of contemporary development of Ukraine is unification of Ukrainian society, creation of valuable foundations of political nation, forming national idea. Among the questions is also clarification of general prospect of society development with respect to the interests of all nations and nationalities of Ukrainian multinational society. These are scientists who are awaited to contribute to this sphere by deep research work upon processeses of society, in particular upon inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations, spiritual sphere, state building, civil society, social institutions, modern means of influence on human consciousness in forming nation-wide identity.
Анализируются вопросы определения понятия «политическая нация» и его отличие от понятия «этническая нация». Изучаются основные факторы формирования в Украине на современном этапе национальной идеи и, в свою очередь, политической нации.
політична нація, етнос, права людини, національні меншини, political nation, ethnos, human rights, national minorities, политическая нация, этнос, права человека, национальные меньшинства
Крючков Г. К. Проблеми на шляху становлення в Україні політичної нації / Г. К. Крючков // Історико-політичні студії : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана", Ін-т історії укр. суспільства ; ред.кол.: І. Д. Дудко (голова) [та ін]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2013. – № 1. – С. 75–81.