Вплив засобів комунікації на цивілізаційний розвиток
dc.contributor.author | Зернецька, О. В. | |
dc.contributor.author | Zernetska, O. V. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-03-19T13:20:04Z | |
dc.date.available | 2019-03-19T13:20:04Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018 | |
dc.description.abstract | Досліджується вплив засобів комунікації на цивілізаційний розвиток з давніх часів до сьогодення. В статті запропоновано гіпотезу про те, що розвиток технологій, особливо медіа і High Tech, підготував цивілізаційний прорив, який одержав назву «глобалізація». Участь диджитальної технології в економіці, фінансах, менеджменті, культурі не тільки окремих країн, а й цілих континентів, таких як Європа, Австралія та ін, дає підстави говорити, що наступна цивілізація одержить назву «Диджитальна»**. Теоретичним підґрунтям роботи є напрацювання Торонтської школи комунікації та праці М. Кастельса, які розвинені автором статті до сьогодення. | uk |
dc.description.abstract | Means of communications’ influence on civilization development from ancient times to nowadays are investigated. Chronological investigation of civilizations’ relation with them information and communication technologies as markers of civilizations is the aim of this article. Alone with this moral and spiritual values, ideals has been researched as means of communication’s structuring components, which have been dominant in the development of one certain civilization or in transition from one of civilization to the other. Search theoretical assumptions have been detected by such scientists as H. Innis, E.A. Havelock, M. McLuhan, J.W. Ong, I.A. Harold, N. Fry who had led the foundation of Toronto school of theory of communication. The first from this outstanding group of scholars was the economist H. Innis, who studied correspondence of the development of the society and literacy from antiquity to the present. It is asserted in the article that H.Innis has made a macro historical analysis of the role of communications in the cultural evolution of society. Innis was the first of the researchers who paid attention that the changes in the history were influenced by the development of communication technologies. Transformation of means of communication lead to serious changes in the individuality, culture and society. Marshall McLuhan created on these methodological bases his well-known metaphors: «The media is the message», «The media is the massage», «The global Village» and many others. Other representative of Toronto school of communication was Eric Alfred Havelock. He has been concentrated on proving of the idea that all of Western culture and philosophy had their foundation in the formation of Greek alphabet. V. Ong was influenced by the theories of Havelock and Marshall McLuhan. He explored the transition of oral speech to writing. The invention of print and printing machine and their role in the development of civilization and culture were scrutinized. All periods of the development of printed culture were explored. The appearance of new literally genres were analyzed according with these processes. The invention of electronic communication technologies influenced not only written or spoken world. Images that is visual technologies are appeared. Such technologies as telegraph, telephone, radio, photography, cinema and television examined and their influence on changes in social structure of society were researched. The characterization of them from historical, state point of view were given. It was underlined that from cultural perspective mentioned above communication technologies made it possible the appearance of such a phenomenon as mass communication, which led to unlimited development of mass culture. It helped to transform a citizen to a customer. In accordance with critical assumptions of radical representatives of Frankfurt School were reviewed. The spectrum and the use of Information and communication technologies (ICT) is skyrocketing as it presented in the article. This complex cultural situation is called globalization. The humanity today is faced with a global media culture, which represents a unifying force, a kind of practical schooling that teaches people how to consume and act and what to think, feel, believe, fear and desire. Here it is impossible to mention the outstanding works of Manuel Castells as an encyclopedic analysis of information and communication role of today. The development of digitalization opened new ways and directions in the growth of some countries but the continents. The role of document published on March 6, 2015 by the European Commission is hard to overestimate «A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe». The main achievements of this strategy are revealed in this article as well. We gave a name to such phenomena «civilization breakthrough». | uk |
dc.description.abstract | Исследуется влияние средств коммуникации на цивилизационное развитие от древности до современности. В статье выдвинута гипотеза, что развитие технологий, особенно медиа и Нigh-Tech, подготовили цивилизационный прорыв, который получил название «глобализация». Участие диджитальной технологии в экономики, финансах, менеджменте, культуре, не только отдельных стран, но и континентов, таких как Европа и Австралия, дают основания говорить, что будущая цивилизация получит название «Диджитальной». Теоретическим основанием работы служат изыскания Торонтской школы коммуникации и работы М. Кастельса, которые автор этой статьи развил до современности. | uk |
dc.identifier.citation | Зернецька О. В. Вплив засобів комунікації на цивілізаційний розвиток / Зернецька О. В. // Історико-політичні студії. Серія: Політичні науки : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана», Ін-т історії укр. сусп-ва ; [редкол.: І. Д. Дудко (голова) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2018. – № 2. – С. 39–52. | uk |
dc.identifier.issn | 2312-217X | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/27438 | |
dc.language.iso | uk | uk |
dc.publisher | ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана» | uk |
dc.subject | цивілізаційний розвиток | uk |
dc.subject | засоби комунікації | uk |
dc.subject | глобалізація | uk |
dc.subject | Торонтська школа теорії комунікації | uk |
dc.subject | М. Кастельс | uk |
dc.subject | civilization development | uk |
dc.subject | means of communication | uk |
dc.subject | globalization | uk |
dc.subject | digitalization | uk |
dc.subject | Toronto school theory of communication | uk |
dc.subject | M. Castells | uk |
dc.subject | цивилизационное развитие | uk |
dc.subject | средства коммуникации | uk |
dc.subject | глобализация | uk |
dc.subject | диджитализация | uk |
dc.subject | диджитализация | uk |
dc.subject | М. Кастельс | uk |
dc.subject.udc | 316.774:008 | uk |
dc.title | Вплив засобів комунікації на цивілізаційний розвиток | uk |
dc.title.alternative | The means of communication influence on civilization development | uk |
dc.type | Article | uk |